Percentage & Cost Breakdown
32.71% $1,549,020.34M
14.48% $963,412.48M
4.85% $290,870.81M
3.03% $205,897.66M
25.57% $1,411,876.67M
0.96% $65,936.27M
7.49% $509,754.17M
1.54% $87,016.15M
2.41% $144,470.85M
6.96% $426,035.34M

Can You Solve Our Emissions Problem?

The Cost vs Benefit of Reaching an 80% Reduction Goal

Use the checkboxes on the left to see how eliminating emissions in each industry affects the output and cost. Assume a 100% reduction of the emissions source per source.


Total Cost Based on Selected Regulations

Click for a full report on the cost & benefits.

Based on author’s calculations from EIA and EPA data.

32.71% $1,549,020.34M
14.48% $963,412.48M
4.85% $290,870.81M
3.03% $205,897.66M
25.57% $1,411,876.67M
0.96% $65,936.27M
7.49% $509,754.17M
1.54% $87,016.15M
2.41% $144,470.85M
6.96% $426,035.34M