Sally Gray Lovejoy

Education Expert

Sally Gray Lovejoy served for eighteen years on the House Education and the Workforce Committee before she was appointed by President George W. Bush as the Education Attaché to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in May, 2006.


Lovejoy worked closely with First Lady Laura Bush in her role as Honorary Ambassador for the UN Literacy Decade organizing the first ever White House Conference on Global Literacy sponsored by Mrs. Bush and UNESCO.

From 2000-2006, Lovejoy served as the Director of Education and Human Resources Policy for the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.  Her chief legislative accomplishments include:

  • Chief House Committee staff negotiator for the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • Oversaw enactment of numerous reforms of the Federal student aid program.
  • Successfully developed and guided every legislative initiative on education and training through the Congress during that time.

In 2009, Lovejoy established her own company, SGL International, LLC focusing on providing strategic policy advice on international and domestic educational issues.

Lovejoy received a B.A in International Affairs from Sweet Briar College.


Sweet Briar College

Notable Positions

Director of Education Policy

House Committee on Education and the Workforce

Education Attache

US Mission to UNESCO



Sweet Briar College

Notable Positions

Director of Education Policy

House Committee on Education and the Workforce

Education Attache

US Mission to UNESCO
