Press Releases

Press Inquiries

Angela Kuck, Vice President for Communications
(202) 370-3443
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Paulina Enck, Press Secretary

(202) 909-2449

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Joseph Brown, Policy Editor

(202) 909-2447

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Press Releases

In light of rising piracy of copyrighted material online, the Motion Picture Association has called for Congress to pass a law requiring some form of site…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Biden Administration recently released its Spring 2024 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (UA) detailing the nearly 2,400 rulemakings…

Biden’s Protectionist Agenda

July 10, 2024

In new research, Data Analyst Jacob Jensen walks through the economic impacts of President Biden’s trade policies and campaign proposals. Key points: …

Freddy’s Forecast: June Jobs

July 3, 2024

Each month, Director of Competition Policy Fred Ashton predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Ashton writes: The jobs market…

The Supreme Court recently ruled on Moody v. NetChoice, a case reviewing two conflicting appellate court decisions dealing with state laws designed to…

Chevron’s Wake

June 28, 2024

In a 6-3 opinion delivered by Chief Justice John Roberts in the case of Loper Bright v. Raimondo, the Supreme Court struck down the doctrine of Chevron…

The Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration (Advocacy) is a relatively small, obscure agency with a rather unique mission: to be “the…

President Joe Biden and presidential candidate Donald Trump — as well as many in Congress — have promised not to touch Social Security, declaring it…

In new research, Data Analyst Jacob Jensen breaks down the estimated costs of former president and presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposed 10…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In a new insight, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin walks through the House-passed Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21)…

In a new op-ed for The Hill, Director of Competition Policy Fred Ashton discusses the harms in the Biden Administration’s industrial policy under the…

The Federal Trade Commission is reportedly preparing to file a lawsuit against America’s largest alcohol distributor, Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits…

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are bringing major illegal monopolization cases against several of America’s big tech…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Freddy’s Forecast: May Jobs

June 6, 2024

Each month, AAF's Competition Economics Analyst Fred Ashton predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Ashton writes: On balance…

In May, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability reported the BIOSECURE Act, a bill intended to protect Americans’ genetic data from Chinese…

House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith recently announced the creation of 10 “Tax Teams” to prepare for negotiations over the provisions of the…

In a new op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, AAF Board Member and former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady and AAF President Douglas…

In a new insight, Director of Fiscal Policy Jordan Haring walks through the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) latest Long-Term Budget Outlook and reviews…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In testimony before the House of Representatives Committee on Small Business, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck discusses the economic impacts…

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-LA) has released interim Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 302(b) subcommittee allocations and begun markups of…

As it becomes increasingly clear that the 2024 federal election will see a rematch between former President Donald Trump and the incumbent President Joe…

Freddie Mac recently sought approval from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to begin purchasing and guaranteeing closed-end home equity loans for…

TikTok, On the Clock

May 16, 2024

TikTok and its parent company ByteDance recently filed a petition for review challenging the constitutionality of the recently passed Protecting Americans…

In September 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a policy statement warning pharmaceutical companies of potential legal action if patents listed…

The Senate Commerce Committee will likely mark up on May 16 the Invent Here, Make Here Act of 2023, a bill designed to limit the ability of agencies to…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

American Action Forum experts analyze the highlights of the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports that were released yesterday. According to the…

Freddy’s Forecast: April Jobs

May 2, 2024

Each month, AAF's Competition Economics Analyst Fred Ashton predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Ashton writes: On balance…

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services continues to negotiate a maximum fair price (MFP) for the top 10 most used drugs in Medicare as required…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would prevent broadband providers and multiple tenant…

As it becomes increasingly clear that the 2024 federal election will see a rematch between former President Donald Trump and the incumbent President Joe…

On March 1, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published a blog warning competing firms that the use of a common algorithm to determine price may…

Congress allocated billions of dollars to subsidize broadband deployment through the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, but costs…

Both the United States and the United Kingdom (UK) have established price-control regulations that apply to the most widely used medications – specifically…

In an American Action Forum tracker update, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck records the cost of complying with Internal Revenue Service paperwork…

In a new op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, AAF Board Member and former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady and AAF President Douglas…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin…

Even as the Biden Administration continues to place climate change policies at the top of its agenda, restrictive federal, state, and local policies threaten…

On March 21, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released its findings on grocery supply chain performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a new…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In March, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced an antitrust lawsuit against Apple alleging the firm has illegally acquired and maintained a monopoly…

In early March, the European Union’s (EU) Digital Markets Act (DMA) went into effect, designating large tech firms as “gatekeepers,” requiring them…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today released its updated Long-Term Budget Outlook that projected U.S. debt held by the public will reach 166 percent…

President Biden’s July 2021 executive order (EO) on Promoting Competition in the American Economy cemented competition policy among the top priorities…

2024 State of Spectrum

March 19, 2024

As broadband providers and equipment manufacturers continue to develop and deploy next-generation wireless technologies, the need for additional radio…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Vice President for Economic Policy Gordon Gray analyzes the figures in the President’s Budget for fiscal year (FY) 2025. He notes: Taxes: Over…

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has acted to finalize a rule that will require public companies to provide climate-related risk data in their…

On February 26, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and nine state attorneys general sued to block the $24.6 billion merger between supermarket chains…

Housing Chartbook Q4 2023

March 6, 2024

While high rates, high prices, and seasonal factors continue to depress the housing market, there are promising signs in inventory, with levels not seen…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Capital One recently announced it would acquire Discover Financial Services in a $35 billion all-stock deal. In a new insight, Competition Economics Analyst…

Primer: The Status of ERISA Preemption

February 28, 2024

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) limits the ability of states to regulate many employer-sponsored health insurance plans for…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently launched an inquiry into generative artificial intelligence (AI) investment to see whether “investments and…

A bipartisan group of senators recently unveiled new language for the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill designed to require covered platforms to assume…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice’s proposed new rules governing the Hart-Scott-Rodino premerger notification program—…

In response to President Biden’s Executive Order (EO) Concerning Artificial Intelligence (AI), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)…

What Is a Junk Fee, Anyway?

February 13, 2024

Since President Biden’s inauguration, hardly a month passes without the administration or its federal agencies announcing some new initiative in the…

The Biden Administration recently proposed to expand the use of march-in rights – the process of taking a patent derived in part from federal research…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its updated budget and economic outlook, which provides Congress with a 10-year budget and economic baseline…

As the Biden Administration enters the final calendar year of its current term, it is helpful to consider what the regulatory schedule could soon look…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The American Action Forum’s Center for Health and Economy (H&E) is dedicated to assessing the impact of proposed reforms to the entire health insurance…

On December 14, 2023, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) released a final rule to implement the Access to Baby Formula Act of 2022, a law that requires…

A bipartisan group of lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee introduced Sammy’s Law of 2023, also known as the Let Parents Choose Protection…

Testimony on: Avenues to Capital Access

January 18, 2024

In testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Business, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses access to capital and the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In February 2021, the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice suspended early termination, a practice which allowed mergers and acquisitions…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has begun a network neutrality rulemaking to prevent broadband Internet access service (BIAS) providers from…

Six Months of FedNow

January 16, 2024

The development of real-time payment networks, allowing for effectively instantaneous money transfers, was led by private industry before the surprise…

In new research, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Vice President for Economic Policy Gordon Gray summarize the geographic distribution of the Inflation…

Much attention has been paid to the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) Medicare drug pricing “negotiation” provisions, but the IRA contains another…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

2023: The Year in Review

January 3, 2024

In a new retrospective, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck reviews the costs, paperwork burdens, and trends of the Biden Administration’s regulatory…

As part of its initiative on march-in rights – the practice of relicensing patents that received federal funding – to make products more affordable…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a rule to reclassify broadband as a utility and impose open Internet regulations on providers.…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reportedly investigating whether the addition of the Subway franchise to Roark Capital’s menu of sandwich shops…

The Biden Administration recently released its Fall 2023 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (UA) detailing the rulemakings it plans…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

A recent South Carolina district court ruling opens the door for the 340B Drug Pricing Program to become the largest federal prescription drug program…

The looming expiration of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a law that allows for the National Security Agency to conduct surveillance…

In a new insight, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin reviews the state of the labor force in the near term and into the foreseeable future, examines the…

AI Legislation Tracker

December 1, 2023

In a new tracker, Technology and Innovation Policy Analyst Joshua Levine charts policy developments in federal artificial intelligence legislation. The…

The American Action Forum’s Center for Health and Economy (H&E) is dedicated to assessing the impact of proposed reforms to the entire health insurance…

In a new insight, Director of Health Care Policy Laura Hobbs reviews recent federal, state, and legal activity on the use of artificial intelligence (AI)…

In September, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) sued meat industry data provider Agri Stats alleging the competitively sensitive…

In testimony before the House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, AAF President Douglas…

Housing Chartbook Q3 2023

November 28, 2023

As mortgage rates and housing prices remain elevated, sales have slowed, and housing inventory is increasingly unaffordable. Director of Financial Services…

In new research, Data and Policy Analyst Tom Lee examines the potential economic impacts of former president and 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump’s…

A ruling by United States International Trade Commission (ITC) found that components of some Apple Watches infringe patents of medical technology company…

In an effort to reduce costs to Medicaid, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is expected to release its wide-ranging final rule on the Medicaid…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In an effort to lower drug costs, the Inflation Reduction Act requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to negotiate directly with drug manufacturers…

The United States Trade Representative (USTR) recently withdrew U.S. support for digital trade proposals that would have blocked World Trade Organization…

Multiple corporate and class action lawsuits claim that training artificial intelligence (AI) models on copyrighted material is not a “fair use” of…

In a new insight, Health Care Policy Analyst Jackson Hammond summarizes the major updates in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) recently…

In testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses issues related to the tax code, high-income individuals…

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released the Calendar Year 2024 Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory…

The earned income tax credit (EITC) was the nation’s first refundable tax credit and is now its single largest income support program. In a new insight…

In a new op-ed for Bloomberg Opinion, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the harmful economic impacts of state-level anti-ESG policies. He contends…

In Whose Best Interest?

November 3, 2023

The Department of Labor has proposed a new rule to regulate the business of investment advice, positioning its efforts as part of its continued assault…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will soon vote on rules designed to facilitate equal access to broadband by prohibiting digital discrimination.…

In a new insight, Health Care Policy Analyst Jackson Hammond provides a case study focused on the pandemic closure policies of California and Florida and…

Two class action lawsuits filed against the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and four major real estate broker franchisors allege a conspiracy involving…

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) – a 1977 law designed to promote financial inclusion by requiring banks to provide services to low- and middle-income…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Between 2014–2020, nearly 2.5 million individuals diagnosed with a severe mental illness (SMI) were absent from the U.S. labor force due to disability;…

Both federal and state regulators are currently rolling out plans to distribute the $42.5 billion in funds from the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has two primary policy initiatives: reforms to Medicare prescription drug policies and large-scale subsidies to clean…

After a substantial COVID-19-related pause in Medicare Part B’s Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive…

On September 28, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law an amended version of AB 1228, legislation that will increase wages for workers at “quick…

The United States has more than 580,000 H-1B visa holders – highly skilled immigrants in in-demand fields – who are limited by the short duration of…

In response to the Chinese Communist Party’s well-documented human rights abuses and the significant threat it poses to U.S. national security, many…

On Tuesday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 17 state attorneys general filed an expansive antitrust case against tech giant Amazon, arguing that…

Today Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Rosenworcel announced that the agency will revisit network neutrality rules designed to regulate how…

Overreach at the SEC

September 26, 2023

Under Chair Gary Gensler, the Securities and Exchange Commission has promulgated a staggering number of rulemakings to remake much of the financial services…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In September, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced the Strengthening Antitrust Enforcement for Meatpacking Act which would establish concentration thresholds…

In testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses problems with the federal government's attempt to develop…

While much of the focus on the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) antitrust actions against Google is on the company’s dominance in search advertising…

In a new primer, Vice President for Economic Policy Gordon Gray explains Social Security’s complex financial management system, including the path from…

In response to rising costs to train next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) models and increasing talent concentration in AI research and development…

In testimony before House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, AAF President…

Housing Chartbook Q2 2023

September 12, 2023

Housing market data remain contradictory and difficult to parse. While the rent growth rate seems to be slowing, home sale profits appear to be rebounding.…

In early September, the Senate voted to approve the nomination of Anna Gomez, giving the Biden Administration’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC)…

On September 12, the first and highly anticipated antitrust case against Google’s search market dominance will begin. In a new insight, Director of Technology…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

As directed by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is expected to soon release its first round of drug…

The Department of Treasury is soliciting comments for its Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) to promulgate rules for tracking and restricting…

In a statement for the record for a Senate Small Business Committee field hearing, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck reviews agencies’ failure…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

After 15 years seeking redress via the courts, this week shareholders of government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie…

The Department of Labor recently issued the final rule entitled “Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations,” which will revise regulations…

In June 2023, Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter announced plans to expand the scope of what the…

Driven by concerns of market concentration and anticompetitive conduct, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and its European counterparts have begun examining…

In the absence of a federal data privacy framework, many states have introduced or passed state-specific legislation, often incorporating ideas from the…

On June 15, the House of Representatives passed the Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2023 (SOPRA), which would permit courts to decide de novo questions…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: July Jobs

August 3, 2023

Each month, AAF's Vice President for Economic Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: For…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The United States has long required employment-based immigration reform that would patch holes in the system that result in the loss of productive foreign…

Air ambulances are a critical piece of transportation infrastructure for the health care industry that save thousands of lives every year, but often at…

The recently released Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice draft merger guidelines take aim at mergers involving multi-sided platforms, a…

The Senate overwhelmingly approved two amendments to its version of the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act that would increase scrutiny…

House lawmakers have introduced the Spectrum Auction Reauthorization Act of 2023 to renew the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) authority to…

On July 19, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) released their long-awaited draft of…

This morning, the Federal Reserve launched its real time payment rail network, FedNow, after a decade of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars in…

A debate over flights to and from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) has taken off as part of the broader discussion of the Federal Aviation…

In a new insight, Director of Health Care Policy Laura Hobbs examines whether the 340B Drug Pricing Program (340B Program) incentivizes hospitals and other…

In advance of two House Financial Services Committee hearings on proxy advisory firms tomorrow, Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas Kingsley explains…

On July 10, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs released its report on the “Time Tax” detailing recent Biden Administration efforts to…

Senator Klobuchar recently reintroduced the bipartisan American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA), a major antitrust bill designed to target self-preferencing…

On June 21, the House of Representatives passed a bill for Congress to formally approve of the first U.S.-Taiwan agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative…

The Federal Reserve’s Vice Chairman for Supervision, Michael Barr, has in prepared remarks previewed the likely contents of a sweeping bank capital restructure…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

On June 30th, the United States Supreme Court ruled to block President Biden’s blanket student loan forgiveness plan. In a new primer, Data and Policy…

Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is set to expire on December 31, 2023, requiring Congress to reauthorize the legislation…

The Federal Trade Commission and the Assistant Attorney General of the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice have proposed changes to the…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today released its updated Long-Term Budget Outlook that projected U.S. debt held by the public will nearly double…

The House recently introduced the Dignity Act of 2023 with the goals of reducing illegal immigration, providing a solution for undocumented immigrants…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), set to convene in November, determines the regulatory approach to a wide range of international…

New Gainful Employment Regulations

June 22, 2023

The Department of Education (ED) recently released a proposed rule on gainful employment that would restrict funding for for-profit higher education programs…

Housing Chartbook Q1 2023

June 21, 2023

Against the backdrop of what appears to be a small but notable fall in the shelter component of the Consumer Price Index, the Federal Reserve has paused…

In a new primer, Technology and Innovation Policy Analyst Joshua Levine discusses recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), where these technologies…

Competition in the baby formula marketplace remains severely limited, a consequence of restrictive formula sourcing regulations, poor federal oversight…

The PGA Tour, European Tour, and LIV Golf agreed to a merger in early June, sparking significant concern about potential monopolization of the market.…

The Biden Administration recently released its Spring 2023 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (UA) detailing the approximately 3,200…

Overtime Pay Expansion Impacts: Update

June 13, 2023

The Restoring Overtime Pay Act of 2023, recently introduced in the Senate, would increase the annual salary threshold for those who qualify for overtime…

Congress and executive agencies have recently launched investigations into health care market participants as part of the broader discussion surrounding…

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) signaled a major crackdown on the crypto industry with a series of lawsuits against industry giants Binance…

The PGA Tour, European Tour, and LIV Golf’s contentious relationship that turned the golf world upside down has ended in a merger which will combine…

In testimony before the House of Representatives Committee on Small Business, AAF Vice President for Economic Policy Gordon Gray discusses the impacts…

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is in Washington, D.C. this week to meet with President Biden, Congress, and business groups to discuss a variety of…

For the first time in roughly two and a half years, the federal government published its supposedly annual report on government-wide paperwork burdens.…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: May Jobs

June 1, 2023

Each month, AAF's Vice President for Economic Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: For May...this…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In a new primer, Health Care Policy Analyst Jackson Hammond reviews how the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the budget impact of preventive…

House Republicans introduced the National Drone and Advanced Air Mobility Initiative Act this month to promote domestic production and deployment of Unmanned…

In a new insight, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck breaks down the permitting reform provisions in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. Key…

In a new insight, Vice President for Economic Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key proposals in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. Key points: …

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The United States is rapidly approaching the “X-date,” the day on which the Treasury Department will run out of cash unless Congress raises the federal…

In May, Minnesota signed into law its own right to repair legislation, the Digital Fair Repair Act. In an update to a previous American Action Forum primer…

In testimony before House of Representatives Committee on the Budget, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the harmful impacts of excessive regulatory…

The Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) mandate that drug manufacturers pay a certain price concession (or rebate) may have the unintended consequence of…

The Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration is a relatively small, obscure agency with a rather unique mission: to be “the independent…

As the public health emergency ends, millions will be shifted off continuous Medicaid enrollment coverage and onto other sources of insurance. In a new…

The Senate recently reintroduced the Children and Teens' Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0), which would broaden the scope of regulated websites…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) earlier this month accused Meta of violating a consent decree governing the company’s collection and use of consumer…

The Federal Direct Loan program was originally projected by the Congressional Budget Office to save taxpayers $62 billion over a decade, assuming, of course…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The end of the public health emergency (PHE) brings with it the end of the continuous enrollment provision in Medicaid, which required states to maintain…

In a case study included in Americans for Tax Reform’s recently released publication International Trade Barrier Index 2023, Director of International…

A bipartisan group of House and Senate members has reintroduced the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, legislation intended to strengthen labor…

The FairTax Act of 2023 (H.R. 25), which may soon be considered by the House of Representatives, would replace the existing federal revenue system –…

On July 9, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy that asserted, among other things, that over…

The 340B Drug Discount Program has long suffered from a lack of congressional clarity on the intent of the ever-expanding program. In a new insight, Director…

As a result of the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) sweeping changes to Medicare Part D, stand-alone drug plans and Medicare Advantage prescription drug…

In response to rising prescription drug costs the Senate Finance Committee released a bipartisan transparency framework, alongside the Senate Committee…

In a new insight, Director of International Economic Policy Tori Smith presents policy avenues for Congress and the Biden Administration to ensure effective…

Site-neutral Payments

May 4, 2023

As Congress looks for ways to make the health care system more efficient and affordable, site-neutral payment policies are an intriguing prospect, as they…

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decided the Epic Games v. Apple case, determining that Apple’s iPhone and application store practices didn’t violate…

Last Friday, the Federal Reserve released a hotly anticipated report examining the causes of Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) collapse. In a new insight…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In December 2022, the state of Louisiana issued a certificate of public advantage (COPA) to permit a $150 million merger between hospital systems HCA Healthcare…

FY2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS Proposed Rule

April 21, 2023

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its fiscal year (FY) 2024 Inpatient Prospective Payment System and Long-Term Care Hospital…

Due to the ongoing labor shortage, employers are increasingly turning to foreign workers to fill job openings, but cannot rely on consistent, efficient…

In an American Action Forum tracker update, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck records the cost of complying with Internal Revenue Service paperwork…

FTC and Congress Put PBMs on Notice

April 17, 2023

As the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) engages in a ramp-up of enforcement against allegedly illegal pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) rebate schemes, the…

The Biden Administration recently unveiled a more detailed vision of its proposed changes to how agencies and the Office of Information and Regulatory…

In response to concerns from U.S. trading partners that the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) clean vehicle tax credits discriminate against foreign products…

Primer: Banning TikTok

April 11, 2023

The video-sharing platform TikTok has come under scrutiny due to concerns that the app presents significant risks to national security. In a new primer…

Baby formula shortages have persisted in the United States since February 2022, and attempts to spur supply chain reforms remain a bipartisan priority.…

Even as the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, drug shortages persist for generic drugs with low-profit margins and significant manufacturing complexity. In…

The Biden Administration has proposed a rollback of 2018 midsized bank regulatory reform with a view to preventing the collapse of another Silicon Valley…

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provides subsidies to low-income consumers for telecommunications equipment and service, is set to run…

AAF experts analyze the highlights of the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports that were released today. According to the reports, Medicare will…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

House and Senate lawmakers plan to introduce legislation designed to protect children online, including the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of…

The health insurance market continues to see challenges from costs, uninsured individuals, and access to care. The Center for Health and Economy (H&E)…

The Federal Reserve’s recent actions to stabilize the banking system included a $300-billion injection of liquidity into banks, reversing—in just a…

In new research, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin uses detailed data on Medicare beneficiaries to identify the individuals who will save from the drug…

In a new insight, Health Care Policy Analyst Jackson Hammond breaks down the key health care proposals in President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget. Key…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

As Congress debates its economic and national security policy posture toward China, there has been increased scrutiny of Chinese ownership of U.S. agricultural…

In 2013, the Senate passed S. 744 – the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act – the closest the United States has…

In a new insight, Data and Policy Analyst Tom Lee breaks down the key education proposals in President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget. Key points: …

Last week saw the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, America’s sixteenth largest bank, after depositors attempted to withdraw $42 billion in a single day.…

Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray analyzes the figures in the President’s Budget for fiscal year 2024. He notes: Taxes: Over 10 years, the…

In testimony before House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services, AAF President…

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: For February...this…

The president’s budget will be the topic du jour, but beneath the headlines about program spending increases and cuts lies a weedier conversation about…

Last month, the Department of Justice (DOJ) withdrew three decades-old policy statements that established antitrust safety zones – which provide circumstances…

In testimony before Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Policy, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses…

Economic Costs of the PRO Act: Update

March 7, 2023

A bipartisan group of House and Senate members has reintroduced the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, legislation intended to strengthen labor…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Members of Congress have raised concerns about, and launched investigations into, industry-coordinated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices…

In late January, the Biden Administration launched the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP), which will involve negotiations with 11 countries…

In the month since the Norfolk Southern freight train derailment, lawmakers and the administration have already begun to propose various measures in response—most…

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced an investigation into Google’s business practices in the digital advertising market to determine whether…

Rethinking Southwest Border Solutions

February 22, 2023

The U.S. Southwest border is under strain as migrant encounters reached a monthly record high of more than 250,000 individuals in December 2022, rendering…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Housing Chartbook Q4 2022

February 16, 2023

While the Fed continues to raise interest rates to combat inflation, mortgage rates have begun to ease, and housing prices continue to decrease. Director…

Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) Budget and Economic Outlook: 2023–2033.…

In testimony before Senate Committee on the Budget, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the economic costs and budgetary impacts of climate change. Key…

Key antitrust leaders at Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) have voiced skepticism about business divestiture offers as remedies…

On January 11, the Department of Education proposed new regulatory changes to income-driven repayment (IDR) plans for federal student loans – particularly…

The European Union announced that it had finalized plans to institute the world’s first carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), which will likely…

The Inflation Reduction Act provided $79 billion to the Internal Revenue Service, including $15 million to study options on how to develop a “free direct…

At its halfway point, the Biden Administration’s regulatory burden totals vastly exceed those of its two immediate predecessors and have done so across…

The President’s Competition Council met for the fourth time February 1 to assess its progress and announce new measures on credit card late fees, excessive…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

CMS’ New RADV Rule

February 1, 2023

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a final rule pertaining to the Risk Adjustment Data Validation (RADV) process, which is designed…

New York recently enacted a comprehensive “right to repair” law, which would require device manufacturers, primarily those in the consumer technology…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched a preliminary investigation into Coca-Cola and PepsiCo alleging that the beverage makers offered lower prices…

There has been much coverage of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) shift away from the consumer welfare standard of antitrust enforcement and toward…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) challenged a proposed merger of Microsoft and video game publisher Activision on the grounds that it would allow Microsoft…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The American Action Forum today filed a Supreme Court amicus brief  arguing that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects online…

The power to regulate trade rests with Congress, yet it is the executive branch that has developed and executed U.S. trade policy over the last six years—an…

Following an executive order from President Biden, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed a rule barring employers from entering noncompete agreements…

Section 301 China Tariffs by End Use

January 11, 2023

The Biden Administration has to-date retained the Section 301 tariffs on over $300 billion worth of imports from China, initially imposed in 2018 by the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Elected officials at state and federal levels have increasingly called for scrutiny on, or refused to contract with, financial services firms they see…

2022: The Year in Regulation

January 4, 2023

In a new retrospective, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch reviews the costs, paperwork burdens, and trends of the Biden Administration’s regulatory…

A bipartisan group of senators recently unveiled updated text to the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill that would impose a duty of care on online platforms…

Federal lawmakers have proposed using common carriage regulations to combat alleged discrimination against conservative speech by online platforms. In…

In new research, Labor Policy Analyst Isabella Hindley considers the link between the rise in synthetic opioid use and the 6.3 million missing from the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

President Biden’s executive order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy tasked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice…

In today’s testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the current state of housing market…

The Biden Administration recently proposed two major changes to labor market regulation: the Joint Employer Standard and the Employee or Independent Contractor…

Some in Congress have been pushing for antitrust legislation designed to regulate large technology companies based solely on their size, rather than competitive…

The Department of Education just released final regulations on five targeted federal student loan forgiveness programs slated to go into effect in July…

The Collapse of FTX

November 16, 2022

On November 11, key cryptocurrency exchange FTX filed for bankruptcy, wiping billions of dollars of value from FTX, its billionaire founder Sam Bankman-Fried…

The House of Representatives is poised to vote on the Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers (INFORM Consumers)…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published a policy statement broadening the agency’s interpretation of its authority to challenge “unfair…

The Environmental Protection Agency released the text of a supplemental proposed rule regulating methane emissions from the oil and natural gas industries…

Another TRIPS Waiver for COVID-19?

November 14, 2022

The World Trade Organization is considering whether to extend its partial waiver of intellectual property (IP) protections, commonly known as the agreement…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) must consider many factors when determining whether to challenge a proposed horizontal…

Congress Broke PAYGO

November 3, 2022

Under the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go (S-PAYGO) Act – which requires that new legislation must be paid for, on average, over 5- and 10-year periods – there…

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Marketplace premiums for plan year (PY) 2023. In a new…

In a new primer, Director of Technology and Innovation Policy Jeffrey Westling reviews major pieces of technology legislation introduced in this Congress…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The consumer welfare standard, which aims principally to protect consumers from unfair business practices, has guided antitrust policy for four decades.…

The California Air Resources Board, the state’s environmental regulator, recently approved a rule that would require 100 percent of new light- and medium-duty…

An explosion of state laws curtailing the use of noncompete agreements (NCA) and President Biden’s July 2021 executive order, which highlighted the negative…

In an update to an American Action Forum tracker, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch records the cost of complying with Internal Revenue Service (IRS)…

Social Security Cost-of-living Adjustments

October 17, 2022

The Social Security Administration recently announced an 8.7 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to Social Security benefits—the largest in over…

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently published a proposed rule that would widen the scope of the test used to determine whether a worker is an employee…

NAEP, COVID-19, and K-12 Learning Loss

October 11, 2022

The National Center for Education Statistics recently released the disappointing results of its special 2022 iteration of the National Assessment on Education…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) appears poised to renew enforcement of the Robinson-Patman Act (RPA) of 1936, which aims to protect competition by prohibiting…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

While Congress has debated the merits of establishing a system for screening outbound investment—or U.S. capital meant for investment in other countries—for…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently reversed its previous decision to award Starlink, SpaceX’s low Earth orbit satellite broadband provider…

Legislating Stablecoins

October 3, 2022

Congress is still behind the curve on the development of a federal framework for digital assets, including stablecoins, a specific class of cryptocurrency.…

There are about 8.6 million immigration benefit applications pending before United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), of which 5.2 million…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently warned states against the use of Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA) laws, which allow hospitals in concentrated…

The Senate Commerce Committee recently unanimously approved the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which would require platforms to protect children from dangerous…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has the authority to issue industry-wide regulations but must go through what is known as Magnuson-Moss rulemaking…

Tariffs Are Increasing Homebuilding Costs

September 20, 2022

In new research, AAF’s Tori Smith and Tom Lee calculate the rise in tariffs affecting shelter inflation, with a specific focus on their impact on the…

The Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act (or FAST Recovery Act, AB 257), recently signed into law by California Governor Gavin Newsom, creates…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently sued to block an $8 billion vertical merger between medical technology companies Illumina and Grail; for regulatory…

Congress established the 340B Drug Pricing Program in 1992 to increase access to care at reduced costs for patients. In new research, Health Care Policy…

Housing Chartbook Q2 2022

September 12, 2022

As the Fed continues to raise interest rates to combat inflation, housing prices have been dropping and are expected to continue to do so as the formerly…

The housing market remains a significant pain point for American consumers, leaving Congress and the federal agencies searching for ways to provide the…

Lawmakers recently introduced the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, a bill that would allow newspapers and local news broadcasters to collectively…

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on the joint employer standard, signaling a significant…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Primer: Space Debris

September 1, 2022

As the space economy takes off, world leaders face a challenge that will require strong cooperation in the so-called orbital commons: orbital debris. In…

FTC Needs to Run Those Numbers Again

September 1, 2022

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published a proposed rule seeking to establish more rigorous regulatory standards for automobile dealerships.…

In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is seeking to restore the federal right of first refusal (ROFR) on…

President Biden recently announced $10,000 blanket loan forgiveness for borrowers of federal student loans who make less than $125,000 per year and for…

The Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency solidified the legal theory known as the major questions doctrine, which…

Primer: Drone Regulation

August 22, 2022

Unmanned Aircraft Systems, referred to colloquially as “drones,” are entering our airspace at rapid rates as companies look to drone delivery to promote…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

As we wait for the Office of Management and Budget to release its Mid-Session Review, which is intended to provide an update of the administration’s…

As part of the deal to earn Senator Joe Manchin’s support for the Inflation Reduction Act, Democratic leadership promised a vote on reforms to the federal…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently challenged Meta’s acquisition of a virtual reality (VR) developer primarily on the grounds that it would…

While executive branch agencies perform a regulatory impact analysis when they propose and finalize rules, too often similar analysis fails to take place…

The Senate-passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) — the latest take on Democrats’ previous spending package known as Build Back Better — includes several…

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) sued to stop Penguin Random House – the world’s largest book publisher – from acquiring its rival Simon & Schuster…

Who Regulates Crypto?

August 9, 2022

Recent congressional efforts have sought to provide regulatory guardrails to the nascent cryptocurrency industry; for the most part these efforts have…

The Inflation Reduction Act contains tax credits intended to incentivize the purchase of electric vehicles (EVs) as part of the Biden Administration’s…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will likely soon release a Notice of Inquiry regarding its annual broadband deployment report, which looks…

Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray reviews the potential budgetary impact of the Inflation Reduction Act—a tweaked version of the Build Back Better…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its updated Long-Term Budget Outlook today that projected U.S. debt held by the public will nearly double…

On July 13, the Department of Education proposed new regulatory changes to five federal targeted student loan forgiveness programs that would loosen certain…

The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic left global supply chains in disarray, resulting in a shortage of semiconductors. In a new insight, Competition…

In today’s testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the state of U.S.…

Congress took an important step toward fiscal transparency in requiring the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to make public a database…

President Biden has to-date chosen to retain Section 301 tariffs on over $300 billion worth of imports from China, originally imposed by President Trump.…

Rival suitors JetBlue Airways and Frontier Airlines remain entangled in a tumultuous, months-long battle for Spirit Airlines. The key question preventing…

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency will likely have wide-ranging implications for executive agencies’…

While President Biden has yet to enact the $10,000 in blanket federal student loan cancellation he campaigned on, he has gone forward with other measures…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Supreme Court today ruled in West Virginia v. EPA that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lacked the authority to issue a broad regulation to…

As inflation closed in on a 40-year high, some lawmakers – including Senator Elizabeth Warren – doubled down on claims that there is a direct relationship…

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) user fee programs—which, among other things, are used to fund the agency’s technology and workforce—must be…

The World Trade Organization recently waived certain intellectual property (IP) protections for COVID-19 vaccines commonly known as the Agreement on Trade-Related…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

President Biden has recently taken extraordinary executive actions directed toward the energy sector to further his climate agenda and mitigate potential…

The Biden Administration recently unveiled its spring regulatory agenda, which provides a list of regulatory actions it plans to work on over the next…

The idea that “big is bad” has staged a comeback. Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and other “big” industries have all, at one time or another…

In recent months, there has been a barrage of cryptocurrency news owing to market turbulence and piecemeal regulatory developments. The cryptocurrency…

In order for a manufacturer’s drugs to be covered by Medicaid, the manufacturer must agree to participate in the  340B Drug Pricing Program  (340B).…

After years of debate and negotiations, a bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers released a draft of the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA)…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The United States and Taiwan announced a new forum for economic engagement called the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade mere days after the…

A market that did not exist prior to 2017 is now causing headaches for regulators and policymakers in Washington as a growing number of Americans – an…

President Biden campaigned on providing $10,000 in blanket forgiveness for all federal student loan holders, and administration officials indicate that…

AAF experts analyze the highlights of the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports that were released today. According to the reports, Medicare will…

While in Japan last month, President Biden announced the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), a cornerstone of the administration’s…

As the Department of Defense (DoD) ramps up its efforts to bolster U.S. cybersecurity in response to increasing cyberattacks on U.S. systems, the agency…

Many have called on Congress to develop federal privacy law that would establish baseline rules for the collection and use of consumer data, as well as…

The Biden Administration has signaled that it is taking a tougher approach to antitrust law and regulations via the president’s Executive Order on “Promoting…

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) newly released The Budget and Economic…

In March, the Department of Commerce began an investigation to determine if imports of solar cells and modules from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam…

The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) authority to auction exclusive radio spectrum licenses to expand 5G services will expire in September absent…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Housing Chartbook Q1 2022

May 19, 2022

As the Fed raises interest rates to combat inflation, the hot housing market is seeing rising mortgage rates augment pressures from already high house…

Congress recently held the first meeting of the conference committee tasked with reconciling the differences between the House-passed and Senate-passed…

As the debate around the House-passed Build Back Better Act (BBBA) continues, it is useful to determine whether the bill’s spending provisions would…

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), a 1977 law designed to promote financial inclusion by requiring banks to provide services to low- and middle-income…

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter has amplified the already contentious debate over the proper scope of content moderation on social media websites. In…

It’s The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues.  In this episode of the…

The COVID-19 pandemic and its fallout created a worldwide shortage of semiconductors. To remedy this, in June 2020 Congress proposed a $16 billion subsidy…

The Biden Administration’s Office of Management and Budget recently released a memo directing agencies to reassess, and hopefully reform, the level of…

The United States has played a leading role in marshalling global opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has contributed billions of dollars…

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) temporarily increased the generosity of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) premium tax credits (PTCs) and lifted the…

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has announced its intent to exercise a “dormant” authority granted to it under Dodd-Frank to expand…

A surge in costly regulatory activity under the Biden Administration is likely to spur renewed interest in legislative proposals to reform the rulemaking…

While President Biden has walked back his pledge to provide $10,000 in blanket forgiveness for all federal student loan holders, he has gone forward with…

More than a year into the Biden Administration, a substantial number of federal agencies lack a Biden-appointed, Senate-confirmed leader. Even amid the…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has traditionally relied upon worst-case scenario analysis to determine whether new entrants will cause harmful…

The president, his staff, and the administration’s allies have been repeating the Putin Price Hike mantra—the claim that 70 percent of the increase…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

In March, European legislators agreed to a framework for the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which would regulate “gatekeepers”—such as Amazon, Apple…

Tracker: The Cost of Tax Paperwork

April 14, 2022

In a new tracker, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch records the cost of complying with Internal Revenue Service paperwork using data on Information…

Employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) is the most common source of health insurance in the United States, covering around 156 million Americans in 2021. A…

Since entering office, President Biden has indicated his desire to pursue a “worker centric” trade policy that is dramatically different from the Trump…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Yesterday President Biden once again extended the deferral of premium and interest payments on federal student loans—a policy initially enacted in response…

The strong global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and more recently Russian aggression in Ukraine, has fueled a rapid rise in crude oil prices. In…

Most Americans are familiar with the declaration of a public health emergency (PHE) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But what exactly is a PHE, what…

In testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Director of Financial Services and Housing Policy Thomas Wade discusses…

Congress has made billions of dollars available to subsidize broadband deployment through a variety of different programs, each with different requirements…

More than half of federal student loan holders entered forbearance in 2020 when they were allowed to pause principal and interest payments in response…

Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray analyzes the figures in the President’s Budget for fiscal year 2023. He notes: Taxes. Over 10 years…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Russia’s war on Ukraine has…

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently proposed updating its regulations implementing the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA), which requires certain work performed…

In testimony before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the rural care economy and…

A new proposed rule by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) would require public companies to provide climate-related risk data disclosures for the…

In testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses proposals for lowering prescription drug prices included…

On March 11, President Biden announced that the United States—along with the G7, the European Union, and NATO—will revoke Russia’s Most Favored Nation…

Earmarks Are Back, Legislating Is Not

March 11, 2022

As the fiscal year 2022 omnibus bill makes clear, congressional earmarks are back with a vengeance--albeit with new restrictions and transparency measures.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues.Russia's war on Ukraine is inflicting…

President Biden has signed a long-awaited executive order (EO) embarking on a whole-of-government, comprehensive approach to the regulation of cryptocurrencies…

Poor nutrition is more than a health care concern; it also has tremendous, multifaceted economic implications. In new research, Director of Human Welfare…

The Environmental Protection Agency recently released the first part of its “Clean Trucks Plan,” a proposed rule that would establish tighter standards…

The Biden Administration last week released the next phase of its COVID-19 strategy, the National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. In a new insight, Health…

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has released insulin pricing data for Medicaid and Medicare Part D for 2019 and 2020. Using the new data…

While Congress continues to discuss federal privacy legislation intended to protect consumers, significant disagreements over how to structure such protections…

In the four years since the U.S. Supreme Court allowed states to set their own laws regarding sports betting, the majority of states have enacted legislation…

In testimony before the House Committee on Small Business, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the regulatory burdens, financial barriers to entry…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. While President Biden’s State…

The Senate may soon consider the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act of 2022, intended to put a greater onus…

Housing Chartbook Q4 2021

February 22, 2022

As housing prices rise, the expected increase in interest rates is drawing attention to the outlook of the currently hot housing market. AAF's Director…

The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the COVID-19 recession have provided significant stress tests of the performance of the credit rating agencies.…

Facebook’s rebranding as Meta has brought significant attention to the tech industry’s rollout of “metaverses”—and has raised questions about…

Cryptocurrencies fall into a number of regulatory gaps, and federal regulatory oversight of the market is severely underdeveloped.  In a new insight…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: January Jobs

February 3, 2022

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: For January...this…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Federal finance is in somewhat of a delicate dance, as the Treasury Department must adjust its debt management operations while its largest customer, the…

The vast majority of Medicare’s more than $925 billion in annual spending is payment to providers through the Fee-for-Service system for individual hospital…

Congress is considering two versions of omnibus bills aimed at boosting US competition with China via industrial policy. In a new insight, Data and Policy…

The U.S. immigration system needs fundamental reform to counter worsening demographic trends and to refocus immigration criteria to prioritize high-skilled…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), tasked with protecting consumers from unfair methods of competition, is making a dramatic shift in how it enforces…

The use of algorithm-backed content moderation systems by social media platforms has drawn increasing skepticism in recent years, as some are concerned…

The Biden Administration faces a looming decision to end or extend tariffs on solar cell and module imports that are set to expire in February 2022. In…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Biden Administration declared climate change a top priority and presented myriad policies to address it. In a new insight, Director of Energy Policy…

In the Biden Administration’s first year, the regulatory burden far outpaced the Obama and Trump Administrations, largely due to a handful of significant…

The Build Back Better Act (BBBA) is a reconciliation bill, which means it is very much time sensitive. In a new insight, Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon…

Technology firms often act as both market participants and market operators, drawing concern from Congress that these companies are self-preferencing their…

There is a deeply flawed perception that the drug pricing proposals in the House-passed Build Back Better Act (BBBA) are more modest and less threatening…

The Universal Service Fund (USF) aims to ensure that all Americans have access to essential telecommunication services and is, according to the Federal…

In December 2021, ostensibly with the goal of eliminating corporate involvement in the rulemaking process, progressives in Congress introduced the Stop…

Net Neutrality Refresher

January 11, 2022

As Democrats seek to obtain a majority at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the debate over the best way to implement net neutrality is reemerging.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: December Jobs

January 6, 2022

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: For December...…

As a part of the $1 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Congress allocated funds for a broadband deployment subsidy program designed to bring…

2021: The Year in Regulation

January 3, 2022

In a new retrospective, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch reviews the costs, paperwork burdens, and trends of the Biden Administration’s regulatory…

The Energy Sector Innovation Credit (ESIC) Act of 2021 would provide investment and production tax credits for emerging energy technologies that are not…

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Biden Administration’s first final rule aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation…

In the Build Back Better framework (BBB), the Biden Administration has made reducing carbon emissions, while focusing on “Buy American” provisions…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. We’re rapidly approaching…

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loan Programs Office (LPO) offers loans for energy projects in an effort to commercialize novel technologies. But the…

The House-passed reconciliation package, the Build Back Better Act (BBBA), includes climate change mitigation policies conditioned upon union labor requirements…

Primer: Employer-Sponsored Insurance

December 14, 2021

Employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) is the largest source of health coverage in the United States, covering the majority of the non-elderly population.…

Highlights of the Fall Regulatory Agenda

December 13, 2021

The Biden Administration released its second Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (UA) on December 10. A new analysis by Director…

Dear CBO…

December 13, 2021

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released an analysis of the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) that assumed 18 policies were made permanent, rather than…

The Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has released a notice of proposed rulemaking that would require certain companies…

The Biden Administration has called for the increased adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) as part of its climate change agenda. The House-passed Build…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) completed a lengthy proceeding to clear satellite operators out of the C-Band to make bandwidth available for…

In August, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) refiled an antitrust complaint against Facebook, rebranded as Meta Platforms in October 2021, alleging the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Road to 5G: A Primer

November 30, 2021

The importance of a robust internet infrastructure has never been clearer, not only for the increasing demands and uses of our current technologies, but…

The Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency have announced that next year they will release…

The Biden WOTUS: Breadth and Uncertainty

November 19, 2021

The latest salvo in the ongoing struggle to durably define “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) arrived with the release of a notice of proposed rulemaking…

With the House of Representatives voting for passage, there is finally a single, concrete piece of legislation that is the Build Back Better Act (BBBA)…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its long-awaited cost estimate for the Build Back Better Act (BBBA). In a new insight, Director of Fiscal…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Results of COP26

November 17, 2021

The United States joined nearly 200 other countries in the 26th annual United Nations Conference of Parties in Glasgow, or COP26, to address climate change.…

The Biden Administration announced details of a new COVID-19 vaccination requirement issued through the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and…

Immigration reform advocates have continued to attempt to include provisions legalizing undocumented immigrants in the reconciliation legislation—two…

The House of Representatives could vote as early as next week on the Build Back Better Act (BBBA), which contains a vast array of health policies and spending.…

The Build Back Better Act includes several provisions aimed at improving children’s access to nutrition. In a new insight, Director of Human Welfare…

The latest iteration of the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) includes significant subsidies for child care and funding to provide universal pre-K for 3- and…

Sectoral Bargaining and Independent Work

November 9, 2021

As part of President Biden’s effort to promote union organizing and collective bargaining, the administration has expressed intent to explore sectoral…

Congressional Democrats are assembling budgetary offsets for their domestic spending reconciliation bill, and, for the moment, have included a 15 percent…

The United States announced it will replace the Section 232 tariffs it had imposed on aluminum and steel imports from the European Union with a new tariff…

“Content moderation” – the removal of undesirable, offensive, or illegal user content from online platforms – has emerged as a potent political…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In this episode of the AAF…

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) finally rolled out its Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) mandating employers with 100 or more…

The Biden Administration has named regulating methane emissions a priority, and to date, the key proposal to address them in the Build Back Better Act…

As President Biden joined world leaders in announcing a global methane pledge to reduce worldwide methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030, the Environmental…

The federal government has long subsidized America’s farmers, significantly affecting our food supply and what we eat. In a new primer, Director of Human…

The President’s Working Group on Financial Markets has issued a report calling on Congress to develop legislation promoting a consistent and comprehensive…

With the beginning of the annual Affordable Care Act (ACA) open enrollment period this week, we take a look back at the ACA’s performance over the last…

The Wall Street Journal report regarding Facebook’s internal research on the mental health impacts on its users, mainly teenage girls, has re-ignited…

As congressional Democrats are debating tax policies to offset the spending commitments in the reconciliation bill, perhaps no proposal under discussion…

The Hidden Cost of Federal Paperwork

October 27, 2021

The lack of transparency in how the federal government discloses its estimated paperwork costs highlights how stagnant and inefficient the federal paperwork…

Addressing Oil Prices

October 26, 2021

Over the past year, the global market for oil and gasoline has experienced rapid shifts in demand paired with slower-moving adjustments in supply. As a…

The United States has reached an agreement to terminate tariffs it had threatened against five European countries in exchange for those countries to eventually…

Following a Biden Administration executive order in May 2021 calling for the launch of a government-wide climate risk assessment, the Financial Stability…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. As President Biden's health…

In testimony before the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Policy this afternoon, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses…

In testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance this morning, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses health insurance coverage in America and…

As part of the Build Back Better legislative agenda, congressional Democrats and the Biden Administration are seeking to permanently extend the American…

App stores, particularly those on smartphones, have faced continuous scrutiny by policymakers and regulators. In a new insight, Technology and Innovation…

What’s a “CR”?

October 12, 2021

A continuing resolution (CR) is the legislative equivalent of cruise control – it sets spending levels for federal agencies by essentially just referencing…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Washington D.C. is in a “hurry…

The Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure legislation provides $65 billion for internet infrastructure, primarily intended for states and localities…

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) proposed the first of two planned rules aimed at reversing most of the Trump Administration’s National Environmental…

The U.S. Treasury Secretary recently advised Congress that the federal government may hit the current debt limit on October 18. In a new insight, Director…

On October 4, 2021, United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced the Biden Administration’s highly anticipated strategic plan on U.S.-China…

Some Republican and Democratic critics of “big tech” have alleged Facebook and Google may be engaged in illegal collusion around certain advertising…

Competing Child Care Proposals

September 28, 2021

High demand and limited supply have made child care increasingly costly and difficult to access across the country, leading policymakers to put…

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) each released its own proposal for more stringent…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

The Department of Health and Human Services released the administration’s Comprehensive Plan for Addressing High Drug Prices in response to President…

House Committee on Ways and Means Democrats voted to report out 10 elements, or subtitles, of the forthcoming reconciliation bill that will comprise the…

President Biden’s American Jobs Plan and the administration’s nationally determined contribution under the Paris Climate agreement call for carbon…

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced that the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will once again be able…

With the rise of “new media” platforms reliant on user-generated content, tensions over the use of copyrighted material are at an all-time high. In…

House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal has proposed 25 new tax policies that would on net raise taxes on U.S. corporations by $963.6 billion…

President Biden has chosen to keep in place all of the tariffs and import restrictions imposed by the Trump Administration—even though the former president’s…

The Biden Administration and congressional Democrats have named as a priority lowering the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60. Whether the proposal…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, passed by the Senate and being considered by the House, was supposed to be a paid-for infrastructure investment…

With hospital finances in flux due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new AAF primer reviews how Medicare — a major source of provider funding — adjusts payments…

To what extent did the extra $300 per week in benefits affect claims for unemployment insurance (UI)? In new research, Director of Labor Policy Isabel…

Details of the New U.S. Trade Strike Force

September 7, 2021

The United States Trade Representative (USTR) will lead a new interagency trade strike force as directed by President Biden’s 100-day supply chain review.…

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has introduced a proposed rule that would require lenders to collect a wide range of demographic and…

AAF experts analyze the highlights of the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports that were released today. According to the reports, Medicare will…

Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have “legalized” recreational cannabis use for adults, resulting in a wide variety of taxation and regulatory…

A California court recently ruled that Proposition 22—a ballot initiative allowing delivery and ride-share drivers to retain their independent worker…

Despite 18 states having “legalized” recreational cannabis use, marijuana remains illegal under federal law. This discrepancy creates several policy…

Under the cover of oppressive heat and humidity on a Friday in August, the administration “released” its Mid-Session Review of the Budget. What can…

Earlier this month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the first of what promises to be several rulemakings aimed at reducing greenhouse…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has refiled its antitrust complaint against Facebook, this time seeking to more clearly define the market it accuses…

Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) requires agencies to retrospectively review certain regulations, but it has largely failed to live…

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies have broken out of the gaming niche and are finding use in education, health care, marketing…

State-Level Costs of the PRO Act

August 13, 2021

The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act will empower unions while imposing significant economic harm—with particular challenges for right-to-work…

Many have invoked the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 recently around vaccination inquiries, but these calls demonstrate…

To fulfill the Biden Administration’s commitment under the Paris Climate Agreement to produce carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 while maintaining…

Today, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders released the text of the fiscal year 2022 budget resolution, the first step for congressional Democrats…

In an effort to fund the proposed infrastructure bill, Congress has included a “pension smoothing” provision allowing firms to defer pension contributions.…

Nearly every state in recent years has put forward a referendum allowing voters to directly decide important economic issues, but this practice is likely…

Recalling Inversions

July 27, 2021

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’s reforms effectively halted the trend of corporate inversions, or firms reorganizing abroad to escape the uncompetitive U.S.…

Any infrastructure package will likely include funding to expand broadband access, but what kind of policies will best accomplish lawmakers’ goals? Federal…

President Biden’s recent executive order on competition restarted a debate over whether technology companies and other manufacturers should be able to…

President Biden created the White House  Task  Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment to support workers through increasing the rate of unionization.…

Both Republican and Democratic-led states are considering technology regulation around such areas as the digital divide, data privacy, and content…

House prices have risen nationally 15 percent in the past year, raising concerns about the stability of the housing market. A combination of high demand…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Policymakers on both sides of the aisle have proposed countering China’s growing economic influence through industrial policy, with the United States…

Senate Democratic leadership has announced a $3.5 trillion "budget deal," but this top-line figure indicates relatively little about the precise policies…

The G20 nations have agreed on a framework for a global tax regime, adding considerable momentum behind the proposed rules for taxing large multinational…

President Biden's recent executive order on competition includes a variety of health care provisions aiming to aid consumers by modifying the market. While…

President Biden's recent executive order on competition in the economy includes two provisions that could help workers significantly: occupational-licensing…

Several new insulin products are expected to enter the market in the coming months, with two of them being the first "biosimilar" insulin products. While…

President Biden's competition-focused executive order, released Friday afternoon, contains a grab-bag of policies aimed at antitrust reform and the technology…

The Biden Administration’s latest executive order (EO) is the broadest and most-specific example in recent history of a president seeking certain policy…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

With the COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupting education, some are looking to research on summer learning losses to get a sense for how school closures…

The Biden Administration is examining whether it has the authority to provide $10,000 in blanket student loan forgiveness on every federal student loan.…

Late last week, the Supreme Court issued a decision allowing small refineries to reapply for renewable fuel standard (RFS) exemptions even if their previous…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

In today's testimony before the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses infrastructure investment and…

Today the Supreme Court ruled that the structure of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is unconstitutional. As a result, the president may now…

Latest Data: Housing Chartbook Q1 2021

June 23, 2021

With some expressing concern that housing prices are unusually high, there is renewed attention on the outlook of the housing market. AAF's Director of…

Policymakers recently introduced the Augmenting Compatibility and Competition by Enabling Service Switching (ACCESS) Act, a key bill in a legislative…

In the American Rescue Plan enacted earlier this year, Congress temporarily extended the child tax credit. Congress is considering whether to make this…

The Biden Administration recently released its first regulatory agenda, providing more evidence that its regulatory policies will undo Trump Administration…

The Biden Administration’s recent Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submission to the United Nations calls for all carbon emissions to be removed…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

Coal-fired electricity generation has declined due to market conditions and the relative inefficiency of aging power plants, but some state legislatures…

Yesterday the Senate passed the United States Innovation and Competition Act (USICA), a $200 billion proposal aimed at countering China’s influence domestically…

The Biden Administration’s recent Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submission to the United Nations promises to achieve greenhouse gas reductions…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Most people agree personal privacy deserves protection and warrants government regulation in some contexts, but regulation comes with costs and tradeoffs.…

The United States’ recent Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submission to the United Nations promises to achieve greenhouse gas reductions of…

The Biden presidential campaign endorsed a proposal to eliminate the private credit reporting industry and replace it with a new public agency to provide…

President Biden's American Families Plan (AFP) proposes one of the largest federal investments in higher education in recent memory: making two years of…

AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray analyzes the figures in the president's budget for fiscal year 2022. He notes: Taxes. Over 10 years…

Regulators in the United States and also other jurisdictions such as the European Union (EU) are increasingly scrutinizing mergers and acquisitions. In…

The Biden Administration will release its first budget tomorrow. Here is what the AAF experts are looking for: How does it all add up? How does the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

While debate on an infrastructure package is in full swing, there has been little focus on the opaque and costly infrastructure permitting process. In…

Earlier this month the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) published its final rule regarding transitioning portions of the 5.9 GHz spectrum band —…

In response to the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack, the House Energy and Commerce Committee reintroduced a bill that would create a new office to address…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

The Base Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT) of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was designed to reduce the tax benefit of shifting income outside of the…

In 2019, 10.5 percent of Americans were classified as poor, the lowest rate since the federal government began publishing such data in 1959. One central…

With the court proceedings for the Epic Games v. Apple lawsuit beginning earlier this month, Epic alleges that Apple is engaging in anti-competitive behavior…

The foreign-derived intangible income (FDII) provision of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) provides a tax preference for income that is earned abroad from…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

While the COVID-19 pandemic led to the delay of Tax Day by one month, this postponement had little effect on the annual cost of complying with tax paperwork.…

In today's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin…

Last Friday's highly anticipated Labor Department employment report for April showed that the economy did not create as many jobs as expected. In an op-ed…

Last year India and South Africa requested the World Trade Organization waive certain intellectual property (IP) protections under the Agreement on Trade-Related…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: This guesstimator…

In testimony before the House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions this afternoon, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin…

The Biden Administration has signaled that it is open to reinstating net neutrality regulations, even though the dire predictions surrounding the repeal…

Build Back Dynamic Scoring

May 3, 2021

Last week President Biden outlined his vision for a substantially expanded federal government financed by tax increases. Congress will need to assess…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

In last night's speech to Congress, President Biden made two important assertions: Funding infrastructure through the American Jobs Plan would boost the…

President Biden recently issued an executive order raising the federal minimum wage for federal contractors to $15. This executive order marks the second…

In this morning's Daily Dish, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin examines the White House's claim that raising the capital gains tax will affect only 0.3…

In tomorrow's address to Congress, President Biden will tout his American Jobs Plan as well as explain his new American Families Plan. Biden campaigned…

Policies to increase transparency around health care costs have become increasingly popular on both sides of the aisle in recent years. The Trump Administration…

The American Rescue Plan provided an $83 billion taxpayer bailout of the most severely underfunded private, multiemployer pensions. By making the most…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

The Biden Administration argues that the infrastructure investments in its proposed American Jobs Plan (AJP) would provide more than enough productivity…

Some policymakers claim that Google and Apple’s control of their apps stores creates an anticompetitive dynamic that harms consumers and developers.…

Women in the Gig Economy

April 21, 2021

President Biden's American Jobs Plan includes restrictions on non-traditional or “gig” work, such as independent contracting and freelancing. Such…

A decade ago, Congress reformed the nutritional standards of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) after evidence…

Nearly 30 million children receive meals at school each day through the federal school breakfast and lunch programs. A decade ago Congress reformed the…

Proponents of interoperability — the ability for tech platforms to communicate and exchange information between each other — claim that mandating it…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) allows Congress to void rules promulgated by federal agencies. In a new tracker, AAF's Director of Regulatory Policy…

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is the only flood insurance program in the United States, but it is outdated, expensive, and in debt. Recent…

The Biden Administration's American Jobs Plan (AJP) proposes $100 billion to expand broadband to ensure every American has access to high-speed internet.…

Last month the United States and European Union (EU) agreed to suspend tariffs stemming from the Boeing-Airbus trade dispute for four months. In a new…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

The recently enacted American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides state and local governments approximately $362 billion in additional financial assistance despite…

Remember, before the pandemic, how apprenticeships were broadly seen as an important way to train workers for in-demand jobs? The Biden Administration…

The European Parliament is currently considering the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which would reclassify certain technology companies as "gatekeepers" and…

In February, President Biden ended the federal Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) system, which was created in 2017 as a more flexible…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: March Jobs Report

April 1, 2021

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: This guesstimator…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Tax Policy in the “American Jobs Plan”

April 1, 2021

As a way to partially pay for the American Jobs Plan (AJP), the Biden Administration is proposing eight major tax policy changes, largely tax increases…

The Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture administers both the School Breakfast Program (SBP) and the National School…

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act temporarily increases the value of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and expands eligibility. Most notably, this expansion also…

Senate Democrats are considering whether to eliminate the filibuster in order to pass their agenda, including several controversial health care policies.…

Some countries are starting to impose taxes on multinational tech companies based on their digital, rather than physical, presence. In a new primer, AAF's…

New Podcast Episode: What Is the PRO Act?

March 25, 2021

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

The Digital Services Act (DSA) is part of the European Commission’s latest effort to regulate tech companies. In a new primer, AAF's Technology and Innovation…

As part of the Biden Administration's larger immigration reform plan, the House of Representatives passed two immigration bills last week, the Dream and…

Latest Data: Housing Chartbook Q4 2020

March 23, 2021

With some expressing concern that housing prices are unusually high —particularly during the pandemic and associated recession — there is renewed attention…

With reports that the Biden Administration is considering several new proposals to spend up to $3 trillion on infrastructure, climate, and other initiatives…

The Biden Administration is considering ways to "modernize" regulatory review, changing a process that has been in place for almost 30 years. In a new…

As a part of his climate change agenda, President Biden issued two executive orders (EOs) in January that temporarily halt leasing and drilling on federal…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

State and Local  Hazard Pay  

March 18, 2021

President Biden recently proposed giving essential workers "back hazard pay," and while he gave few details, this is not the first time that federal policymakers…

Members of both parties in Congress have indicated a desire to reduce the "digital divide" — the disparity between those with reliable internet access…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

New Primers: SNAP and WIC

March 10, 2021

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) are federal…

The Return of the PRO Act 

March 9, 2021

This week, the House of Representatives is considering the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, a sweeping revision of labor law. Most notably…

Senators Durbin and Graham recently reintroduced the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for immigrants who came to the United States…

As lawmakers consider further ways to boost the economy, attention has shifted to the Small Business Administration's Small Business Investment Company…

Official reports and news stories indicate that hunger is rising in the United States because of the pandemic and its economic fallout. Yet a close analysis…

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: This guesstimator…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its updated Long-Term Budget Outlook today — largely similar to last year’s — and projected that the…

Regular access to healthy food is a central aspect to wellbeing, but the COVID-19 pandemic has put this access at risk. The government describes this…

House Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats recently introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act…

House Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats recently introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act…

This week the House of Representatives will again vote on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which would impose new federal standards and mandates…

Policymakers at both the federal and state level are scrutinizing Apple and Google for restrictions they have placed on users' ability to access apps outside…

The Utah state legislature is considering legislation to expand the state's regulatory sandbox program — which allows businesses to apply for exemptions…

By the end of his first month in office, President Biden had issued more than 40 executive actions to implement his policy agenda — far more than his…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

In testimony before the Senate Budget Committee this morning, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the interaction between the social safety net…

Examining the U.S. Citizenship Act

February 24, 2021

The Biden Administration's immigration reform proposal, the U.S. Citizenship Act, was recently introduced in Congress. In a new analysis, AAF President…

In an effort to protect access to the internet, some have argued that certain parts of the internet ecosystem, such as website hosting services, effectively…

While federal efforts to address prescription drug prices have floundered, some states are considering action of their own. The options under consideration…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

In testimony before the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee this morning, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the size and scope…

A significant part of the Trump Administration's domestic agenda was its approach to regulatory policy, and the regulatory budget was the primary mechanism…

A quick reading of the data around COVID-19 vaccine distribution suggests that racial minorities are receiving the vaccine at disproportionately low rates.…

The American Rescue Plan’s Labor Provisions

February 12, 2021

As part of the American Rescue Plan, House Democrats have proposed myriad labor-related provisions — a federal minimum wage increase, unemployment extensions…

As part of the American Rescue Plan, House Democrats have proposed $170 billion for myriad education-related provisions, including funding for secondary…

As part of the American Rescue Plan, House Democrats have proposed myriad tax-related provisions. The most notable and costliest provision is a third round…

Highlights of the CBO Budget Outlook

February 12, 2021

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) newly released An Update to the Budget…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

As part of their American Rescue Plan package of legislation, congressional Democrats have included an array of health-related provisions. AAF's Director…

House Democrats have proposed to appropriate $5 billion for energy and climate efforts as part of the American Rescue Plan. Similar to previous COVID-19…

As part of the American Rescue Plan, House Democrats are considering a bailout of the most underfunded private pension plans — a plan that is a stark…

As part of the American Rescue Plan, House Democrats have proposed $60 billion in aid to small businesses. AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy…

The American Rescue Plan and Housing

February 11, 2021

As part of the American Rescue Plan, House Democrats have proposed $40 billion in housing aid. AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas Wade…

Senator Amy Klobuchar recently introduced the Competition and Antirust Law Enforcements Reform Act (CALERA), which aims to significantly change antitrust…

Assessing CBO’s Report on the Raise the Wage Act

February 10, 2021

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report that analyzes the budgetary and employment effects of the Raise the Wage Act of 2021, which would…

As a part of his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, President Biden has proposed increasing the federal unemployment supplement to $400 a week from…

Op-Ed: $1.9 Trillion Is Too Much Stimulus

February 8, 2021

The United States entered the COVID-19 pandemic with a federal budget that was on an unsustainable trajectory, and it will exit the pandemic with the highest…

In the last few years, installation of utility-scale solar facilities has increased, and is expected to continue growing to meet the demand for clean energy.…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: January Jobs Report

February 4, 2021

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: This guesstimator…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

This week the House and Senate will consider budget resolutions, which if passed will give the majority in Congress an important tool — reconciliation…

Highlights of the CBO Economic Outlook

February 1, 2021

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) newly released An Overview of the…

This week President Biden signed four executive actions intended to address racial inequities — an issue he promised to make a priority of his presidency. These executive…

In today's Weekly Checkup (subscribe here!), AAF's Director of Health Care Policy Christopher Holt assesses President Biden's executive order to "take…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

As part of a broader effort to address climate change, President Biden issued two executive orders (EOs) that call for the review of existing leasing…

The Biden Administration has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour as a part of its COVID-19 economic relief plan. While this increase…

Yesterday President Biden signed an executive order that strengthens current rules requiring government purchases of goods made in the United States.…

President Biden is proposing to extend and expand paid sick, family, and medical leave, which is estimated to cover an additional 68 to 106 million private-sector…

ICYMI: The Power of Targeting Relief

January 22, 2021

Amid reports that House Democrats may vote next week on increasing to $2,000 checks for individuals, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin explains why this…

President Biden plans to send Congress a legislative proposal to reform the U.S. immigration system, which includes creating an eight-year pathway to citizenship…

The Trump Administration had one of the most pronounced "midnight regulation" — rules finalized between Election Day and the inauguration of a new president —…

On his first day President Biden reversed many significant Trump Administration executive orders dealing with regulatory policy, including changes to emphasize…

The Trump Administration entered office four years ago on a promise to cut regulations significantly. While the administration slowed regulatory cost growth…

Last week President-elect Joe Biden released his $1.9 trillion proposal aimed at combatting the economic fallout of the pandemic. In today's Daily Dish…

ICYMI: Some “Stimulus” Math

January 14, 2021

The Biden Administration is beginning to brief Congress on its plan for additional COVID-19 "stimulus" or "relief" funding, and reports indicate the incoming…

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued its final regulations governing tax credits for carbon capture and sequestration under Section 45Q.…

Following the riot at the U.S. Capitol last week, some tech platforms have acted to limit access by President Trump and the social media platform Parler.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Analyzing DOJ’s OIRA Opinion Memorandum

January 7, 2021

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently released an opinion that finds the president can legally direct independent agencies to submit regulations to…

In the final days of the Trump Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a contentious rule that makes the data underlying EPA…

2020: The Year in Regulation

January 5, 2021

In a new retrospective, AAF's Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch and Senior Regulatory Policy Analyst Dan Goldbeck examine the results of the federal…

President-elect Biden has pledged to couple his administration’s climate policies — a central priority — with policies promoting domestic manufacturing.…

The COVID-19 response package passed last night includes a variety of education provisions. In a new analysis, AAF's Data and Policy Analyst Tom Lee examines…

Last night Congress passed a COVID-19 relief package and other spending measures in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, and included are a number of labor-related…

Last night Congress passed a COVID-19 relief package and other spending measures in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, and included are a number of regulatory-related…

The COVID-19 response package passed last night includes a variety of financial services and housing provisions. In a series of brief analyses, AAF's Director…

Last night Congress passed a COVID-19 relief package and other spending measures in the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), and included are a number…

As Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai prepares to step down next month, the incoming Biden Administration should heed the lessons…

Included in the latest COVID-19 relief legislative package is a continuation of additional nutritional assistance. In a new analysis, AAF's Director of…

Demand for clean energy technology has grown globally, but these technologies are often dual-use products and materials with military or national security…

While federal antitrust cases against Big Tech have attracted most of the attention in recent months, both state and private actors are bringing their…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

An energy package that would increase funding for myriad clean-energy initiatives may be included in the upcoming omnibus spending bill. This package would…

President-elect Joe Biden has proposed a public option as a competitor to private health insurance, arguing that it would be a more affordable choice than…

Last week the Federal Trade Commission and 48 state and district attorneys general filed an antitrust case against Facebook, claiming it had unfairly gained…

Latest Data: Housing Chartbook Q3 2020

December 16, 2020

The state of the housing-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has been in flux over the past several years, bringing attention to the outlook of the…

Commitments around the world to combat climate change present an opportunity for U.S. manufacturers to export domestic clean energy technologies, yet U.S.…

Late last week, after years of deadlock, lawmakers announced an agreement on draft legislation to end surprise medical bills, protecting patients and accomplishing…

In testimony before the Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee this morning, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the strengths and…

President-elect Biden has indicated that climate change will be a central focus of his administration, but climate change is a global problem that will…

The United States has one of the worst maternal mortality rates in the developed world, and to address this challenge the Trump Administration has released…

The Trump Administration has recently finalized three controversial regulations as interim final rules (IFRs), bypassing the normal notice-and-comment…

The Federal Communications Commission is set to auction portions of the C-band spectrum next week, spectrum that is critical to the development of 5G infrastructure.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Individual-level factors, such as lifestyle, can obviously contribute to chronic disease, but community and environmental-level issues can as well. In…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

Countries in eastern Europe have committed to increasing their power generation from renewable sources, but each country faces several hurdles: Not only…

The Trump Administration is reportedly preparing to release an interim final rule pegging the prices of drugs in Medicare Part B to the lowest price paid…

In the last few weeks of the Trump Administration, some are raising concerns about how aggressive the administration will be in promulgating "midnight…

Interim Final Rules: A Primer

November 18, 2020

Interim final rules (IFRs) are federal regulations that become effective upon publication without first going through a public comment period. These rules…

The Details of the RCEP Trade Deal

November 17, 2020

This week members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and five regional trading partners signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) claims to have the authority to seek restitution directly in federal court without going through its own full administrative…

Chronic disease will affect approximately half of Americans at some point in their lifetimes, costing the United States an estimated $3.7 trillion annually.…

To mark National Apprenticeship Week, AAF's Director of Labor Market Policy Isabel Soto and Isabella Hindley have written a series of articles about apprenticeship…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Since the housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac went into conservatorship after the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the federal government has…

Apprenticeships have played a crucial role in the development of the United States labor force and continue to provide Americans with opportunities to…

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today proposed a rule that would cause most of its regulations to expire unless HHS and its agencies…

While 5G deployment by private companies is already underway in the United States, the Department of Defense — which holds crucial mid-band spectrum…

Last month the Department of Labor (DOL) issued an interim final rule increasing the minimum wage for H-1B workers. The central argument for raising the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Critics of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter argue they have grown too large and powerful in part due to the "special privileges" they…

The "Phase One" U.S.-China trade deal requires China to purchase over $50 billion in U.S. energy sources, including liquefied natural gas (LNG). Despite…

Last week President Trump issued an executive order to implement the One Trillion Trees Initiative, a proposal put forth by the World Economic Forum.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

With the election under two weeks away and the final presidential debate tonight, new polling results from the American Action Forum (AAF) provide a sense…

With the future of the Affordable Care Act again in doubt, AAF's Center for Health and Economy has modeled the potential impact of a new consensus-group…

Today the Department of Justice (DoJ) and 11 Republican state attorneys general filed an antitrust case against Google alleging that it has violated antitrust…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

In response to the COVID-19 national health emergency, many federal agencies provided temporary regulatory relief to help alleviate economic pressure and…

Opportunities for Police Reform

October 13, 2020

Previous research at the American Action Forum detailed the risks involved in cutting police budgets: fewer officers on the beat, understaffed cities…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF's…

After more than a year of investigating, the House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee majority released its report examining the market dominance of the…

It has been widely reported that much of the Trump Administration's regulatory agenda has met resistance in the courts. Nevertheless, only a few deregulatory…

As part of his plan to address climate change, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has released a list of executive actions he would take immediately…

Insulin and epinephrine are life-saving medicines, yet many report that their cost is prohibitively high. In response, the Trump Administration recently…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: There are significant…

Projecting FY 2020 Regulatory Budget Results

September 30, 2020

The fiscal year for the federal government ends at midnight tonight, which brings an end to the Trump Administration's regulatory budget year as well.…

Some critics of Big Tech have called for modeling new regulations on those found in finance, specifically a "Glass-Steagall" regulation to prevent companies…

Last week the Trump Administration finalized a rule allowing the importation of prescription drugs from Canada. AAF's Director of Human Welfare Policy…

Assessing Calls to Defund the Police

September 29, 2020

Recent calls to reform the police have included various proposals to "defund" local police forces. In new research, AAF's Director of Human Welfare Policy…

Six months after the national emergency declaration, businesses continue to face a range of financial pressures. In a new analysis, AAF's Director of Financial…

As global oil markets continue to be severely distressed, Alaskans will vote this November on a ballot initiative, Ballot Measure 1, that would increase…

The growth of sharing economy platforms over the last decade has led to disputes between policymakers and innovators over regulatory and labor law. While…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

To further understand how voters might receive the policy proposals of President Trump and former Vice President Biden, the American Action Forum commissioned…

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced a proposed rule that would distinguish between employees and independent contractors under the Fair Labor…

In testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health this morning, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the COVID-19 pandemic's…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its updated Long-Term Budget Outlook today and projected that U.S. debt will be nearly double the size of…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have markedly different views on the appropriate role of the federal government in…

The State of the Lost Wages Assistance Program

September 17, 2020

Last month President Trump signed an executive order creating the Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) supplement, a grant program to states providing $300 a week…

Emerging technologies — from autonomous vehicles to artificial intelligence and 3-D printing — are rapidly evolving, and their applications often raise…

While the issue of surprise medical bills has faded from view during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not disappeared entirely, in part because of speculation…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

In testimony before the House Financial Services Committee this afternoon, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the unique nature of the current…

Emergency expansions to unemployment insurance (UI) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have provided crucial support to workers across the country. With…

Chronic diseases are a contributing factor to the impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but what are the trends for chronic disease looking forward…

Today a subcommittee of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) approved the release of a first-ever federal report on the risk that climate change…

While the issue of surprise medical bills has faded from view during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not disappeared entirely, in part because of speculation…

As Congress debates whether to extend the federal unemployment insurance (UI) supplement, much of the disagreement is over how large the federal supplement…

Comparing Trump and Biden on Immigration

September 8, 2020

President Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Biden differ dramatically in their assumptions and approaches to immigration. In a new insight…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Highlights of the CBO Budget Outlook

September 2, 2020

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) newly released An Update to the Budget…

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently proposed an order prohibiting many rental evictions through December 31. This order could…

While the issue of surprise medical bills has faded from view during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not disappeared entirely, in part because of speculation…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Latest Data: Housing Chartbook Q2 2020

August 26, 2020

The state of the housing-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has been in flux over the past year, bringing attention to the outlook of the broader…

The California Superior Court recently ruled that platform-based companies such as Uber and Lyft are not exempt from new worker classification requirements…

Recent criticism of large tech companies' market dominance has raised the possibility of using antitrust to address these concerns, and both President…

A recent executive order directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to complete a rulemaking that the agency previously announced as withdrawn.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Robust U.S. broadband infrastructure has allowed many individuals to work remotely, learn remotely, and receive health care remotely during the COVID-19…

The United States has historically taken a hands-off approach to internet policy, but both President Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Biden…

Back-to-school preparations look different this year, as many schools have chosen to start virtually, and as a result the most-needed school supply may…

In today's edition of the Weekly Checkup, AAF's Director of Health Care Policy Christopher Holt considers what the selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as vice…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

Congress Considers Budget Execution Reforms

August 13, 2020

Fiscal policy debates often focus on the high-level budget decisions Congress makes, with far less attention on how the executive branch subsequently…

Congressional Democrats are pushing for the federal government to include $1 trillion for state and local governments in the next pandemic-response legislation…

President Trump recently issued an executive order that creates a $400 a week unemployment insurance supplement. The executive order directs $44 billion…

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) expired for the second time on Saturday, August 8th. Despite some criticisms, the PPP has almost singlehandedly kept…

President Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden have both voiced support for investing further in America's internet infrastructure. In…

As Congress considers the next coronavirus aid package, the following resources from the American Action Forum assess the impact of past policies and propose…

Last night President Trump signed executive orders that will prohibit any U.S. person or company from transacting with the parent companies of the popular…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

The high cost of phone calls from prison can prevent incarcerated individuals from communicating with their families, contributing to poor mental health…

While Republicans criticized President Obama for his assertion of executive authority, President Trump has prominently made use of these same powers, most…

Neither President Trump nor former Vice President Joe Biden have offered specifics on regulatory policy in their campaigns, but each candidate has a starkly…

Yesterday a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing with the CEOs of Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook examining dominance in the…

In testimony before the Joint Economic Committee this afternoon, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses policy options for "Reducing Uncertainty and…

Education Provisions in the HEALS Act

July 30, 2020

Senate Republicans recently released their proposal for the next major COVID-19 response package, the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection…

Under the CARES Act, the $600 per week federal unemployment insurance supplement will expire on July 31st. Both Democrats and Republicans have put forward…

Last week, former Vice President Joe Biden released a plan to boost the number of health care, long-term care, and childcare workers as part of his "Build…

The HEALS Act and Housing Assistance

July 28, 2020

Senate Republicans' proposed coronavirus-response package, the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act, includes some…

Tax Provisions in the HEALS Act

July 28, 2020

Senate Republicans' proposal for the latest coronavirus response package, the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act…

Yesterday Senate Republicans introduced the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act, their proposal for the next pandemic-response…

Over the last decade, states and localities struggling to maintain their revenue have often increased monetary penalties in the criminal justice system…

Looming Tariff Increases

July 27, 2020

The Trump Administration has announced new tariffs on French luxury goods, and many are expecting that it will reimpose levies on Canadian aluminum. Neither…

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed its first-ever rule to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft, in line with international…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

The Future of Dodd-Frank

July 23, 2020

While the decade after the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act has seen the law's scope and application diminishing, many of the issues covered by the law…

On the 10th anniversary of Dodd-Frank's enactment, Douglas Holtz-Eakin assesses the state of the monumental financial-reform law in The Hill. He observes that…

Last week presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden formally announced an updated plan to address climate change: a 100 percent carbon-free…

When the federal government sent stimulus checks earlier this year, it mistakenly gave about $1.4 billion to deceased individuals — largely because the…

To mark the 10-year anniversary of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, AAF experts have assessed the economic and regulatory…

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven the strength of America's broadband networks, but the current capacity may not be enough to meet future demand. Emerging…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

As Congress considers the next coronavirus aid package, the following resources from the American Action Forum assess the impact of past policies and propose…

The United States spends nearly $300 billion annually to police communities and incarcerate 2.2 million people, but this figure does not account for the…

Because of COVID-19, states and local governments are laying off workers — but revenue shortfalls are likely not the only factor driving these job losses.…

While the COVID-19 pandemic led to the delay of Tax Day by three months, this postponement had little effect on the annual cost of complying with tax paperwork.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. In our latest episode, AAF…

As Congress considers the next coronavirus aid package, the following resources from the American Action Forum assess the impact of past policies and propose…

Despite the Trump Administration's focus on cost savings and deregulation, poorly designed regulation continues, particularly by independent agencies.…

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s newly released Update to the Budget and…

ARPA-C, Same as ARPA-E

July 1, 2020

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has proposed a number of policies and initiatives to combat climate change, including a new agency…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

A number of antitrust investigations continue into tech companies' dominance in the online advertising and search markets, despite indications that these…

The Trump Administration has emphasized deregulation as a hallmark of its domestic policy agenda. Yet new data released today by the Office of Information…

The United States currently has an estimated 2.2 million people incarcerated, and the incarceration rate is over four times higher than it was 50 years…

Today the Supreme Court ruled the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) structure unconstitutional. Unlike most other financial regulators, the…

The Federal Reserve (the Fed) released the results of its annual bank stress tests yesterday. AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas Wade assesses…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Next week the House of Representatives will consider the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, H.R. 1425. In a new analysis, AAF's Director…

In this morning’s Daily Dish, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin argues against further postponing the federal tax filing deadline, as the Treasury Department…

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) provides Congress with an expedited procedure to overturn a previous administration's regulations, but only ones that…

In this morning's Daily Dish, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin proposes a tax credit to help businesses re-open safely. The speed and scale of economic…

Childcare and Returning to Work

June 22, 2020

As states are reopening their economies and individuals are returning to work, many parents are facing a challenge with childcare. There was already a…

Latest Data: Housing Chartbook Q1 2020

June 19, 2020

The state of the housing-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has been in flux over the past year, bringing attention to the outlook of the broader…

This week the Department of Justice and Senator Josh Hawley each released proposals to amend online platforms' Section 230 liability protection. These…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

In the wake of recent deaths at the hands of law enforcement and widespread civic unrest, federal, state, and local policymakers are seeking to reform…

The rise of small-scale renewable power generation, such as rooftop solar panels, has not only allowed consumers to produce energy for their own needs…

The online sale of goods and services has become increasingly important to commerce, particularly during the pandemic. One potential threat to global online…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Trump Administration has reportedly prepared an executive order that would strengthen the Buy American requirements for federal agencies purchasing…

In the ongoing debate over a federal paid family leave program, much of the discussion has focused on either the costs of such a program or the benefits…

The Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed a rule that for the first time codifies how the agency conducts benefit-cost analysis (BCA) on significant…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Last week President Trump signed a proclamation suspending the entry of some Chinese graduate students into the United States in order to protect U.S.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Trump Administration recently announced that it will not include an updated economic projection when it submits its mid-year budget revision to Congress.…

President Trump's executive order (EO) on regulating social media platforms highlights a debate over how much authority a president can exert over independent…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

President Trump is expected to sign an executive order regulating social media companies based on free speech concerns, after Twitter placed a fact check…

The Federal Reserve's balance sheet topped $7 trillion for the first time in history, according to newly released figures. AAF's Director of Financial…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

The Federal Housing Finance Agency recently released its updated proposal for regulating the housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In a new…

While the Federal Reserve has begun to open the spigots and flood the economy with liquidity, not all firms will be able access the Fed's emergency relief…

Yesterday President Trump signed an executive order that directed agencies to further consider waiving, repealing, or modifying regulations in an effort…

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, a significant number of bankruptcies are expected among oil and gas producers this coming year. In a new analysis…

The coronavirus pandemic and resulting shortage of medical supplies is leading some policymakers to call for the United States to reduce its trade with…

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the advantages of increased internet connectivity, but the pandemic has also raised concerns about the digital divide…

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting government response, many federal agencies have temporarily suspended or modified existing regulations.…

Last week House Democrats passed the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, which includes substantial assistance targeted…

Progress on Multiemployer Pensions?

May 15, 2020

The multiemployer-pension system is in crisis, as major plans and their federal backstop are critically underfunded. House Democrats' new coronavirus response…

Labor Provisions in the HEROES Act

May 14, 2020

Included in House Democrats' proposed fourth pandemic-response package, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, are…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

House Democrats have introduced the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, their proposal for a fourth legislative response…

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has injected capital into the economy through a variety of monetary policy authorities. Two…

In their proposed fourth coronavirus-response package, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, House Democrats have…

In their proposed fourth coronavirus-response package, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, House Democrats have…

In their proposed fourth coronavirus-response package, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, House Democrats have…

House Democrats have introduced the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, their proposal for a fourth legislative response…

Education Provisions in the HEROES Act

May 14, 2020

Democrats in the House of Representatives recently released their proposal for a fourth major COVID-19 response package, the Health and Economic Recovery…

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act included a $600 per week federal increase in unemployment compensation to help workers stay…

Democrats in the House of Representatives recently released their proposal for a fourth major response package, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus…

While everyone is feeling the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the health crisis and resulting economic disruption are disproportionately affecting…

Employer-sponsored insurance is the single largest source of health insurance in the United States. The enormous number of pandemic-related job losses…

Many politicians on both the left and the right want to curb imports in order to strengthen the domestic manufacturing sector. This debate over the relationship…

Two years ago the Federal Communications Commission repealed net neutrality, and many predicted disaster as a result. In a new op-ed in USA Today, AAF…

Included in the Coronavirus Aid, Response, and Economic Security (CARES) Act were a number of provisions intended to ease the burden of paying for housing.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to decreased demand for petroleum products, and oil producers and refiners have reduce production in response. Yet as states…

The enforcement options for a federal data privacy law at times are presented as a binary choice — either give people the right to sue, or maintain the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Unemployment Benefits and Returning to Work

April 29, 2020

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act increased the unemployment benefit amount so much that many workers now have more income…

Policymakers at both the federal and state level are exploring ways to bring down the cost of insulin. Most of the policy proposals center on changes to…

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a wide-ranging regulatory response from the federal government, and AAF's Dan Bosch and Dan Goldbeck are tracking the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Yesterday President Trump signed an executive order that suspends immigration by halting new green card issuances for 60 days. The order is more limited…

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) provides Congress with an expedited procedure to overturn a previous administration's regulations, but only ones that…

AAF experts analyze the highlights of the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports that were released today. According to the reports, Medicare will…

An effective vaccine is key to blunting the impact of COVID-19, but that is at least a year or two away from broad availability. To bridge the gap between…

With the Paycheck Protection Program, which supports the payrolls of small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, running out of money, leaders of Congress…

The Obama Administration commonly used the co-benefits of regulations — incidental benefits not directly related to the central regulatory focus — to…

Demand for oil collapsed because of the COVID-19 pandemic at the same time that Russia and Saudi Arabia were increasing production. The resulting glut…

Why Doesn’t CARES Cost $2 Trillion?

April 17, 2020

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the largest fiscal intervention in U.S. history, was largely discussed as a $2 trillion…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The worst of the COVID-19 public-health crisis appears to be past in some areas of the country, and policymakers’ attention is shifting to re-opening…

A number of businesses are seeking business interruption insurance payouts due to the pandemic, despite the fact that their policies explicitly do not…

In an effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers are debating how governments can use personal information, such as location and heath data, to…

The United States has enacted several large economic policy packages in response to the coronavirus pandemic, but it is not alone in pursuing dramatic…

While the coronavirus pandemic has overtaken other policy priorities, prescription drug pricing reform will likely return to the agenda of Congress in…

Hazard Pay During COVID-19

April 10, 2020

While the federal government is providing significant financial help to businesses and the unemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic, workers in "essential"…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Today the Federal Reserve announced an additional $2.3 trillion in loan support to businesses via the creation of three new lending facilities. These new…

U.S. policymakers have been considering federal data protection for some time, debating whether the United States' current less-regulatory approach is…

New Primer on Credit Scores

April 7, 2020

With the coronavirus pandemic straining the economy, many are seeing the impacts in their personal finances. In a new primer, AAF's Director of Financial…

Over the last decade the federal government has supported the development of advanced nuclear technologies, most recently by beginning to develop a test…

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which President Trump signed into law last week, offers up to a year of forbearance to…

Insulin Cost and Pricing Trends

April 2, 2020

Diabetes is now the most expensive chronic disease in the United States, with one in every seven health care dollars spent on diabetes expenses. The rising…

As fiscal year 2020 hit its mid-point on Tuesday, is the Trump Administration on track to meet its regulatory budget savings goals? AAF's Director of Regulatory…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation yesterday finalized the Safer, Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles rule.…

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress quickly enacted three new laws that provide myriad new streams of financial assistance to individuals. AAF's…

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act directs an additional $349 billion to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for the relief…

Housing Provisions in the CARES Act

March 31, 2020

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act — which the president signed into law late last week — has significant implications…

In its current form, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act — which the Senate passed late Wednesday — provides $32 billion…

As a key part of its efforts to stabilize the economy, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Stimulus (CARES) Act, which passed the Senate late yesterday…

While it contained myriad provisions intended to stabilize the broader economy, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Stimulus (CARES) Act that the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Both the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the government's various responses to it are moving quickly. AAF is following the latest developments and…

The spread of COVID-19 has forced many Americans to conduct their daily routines from home, but the rapid pace of technological innovation over the last…

Understanding Dislocated Worker Grants

March 25, 2020

To mitigate unemployment caused by the coronavirus, the Department of Labor recently announced a $100 million expansion of its Dislocated Worker Grant…

Under typical circumstances, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) must estimate the cost of any bill Congress is considering — but that standard process…

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted nearly every corner of the world, and the United States' immigration system is no exception. AAF's Director of Immigration…

Op-Ed: Policy and the Pandemic

March 24, 2020

The United States faced economic crises after the 9/11 attacks and the 2008 financial collapse, but the coronavirus pandemic is producing the greatest…

In its current form, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act — the Senate's phase 3 legislative response to the coronavirus pandemic…

As the Senate continues to debate how to structure a third economic relief package, AAF's Tara O'Neill Hayes and Isabel Soto have analyzed the labor and…

Today the Federal Reserve announced a further series of measures seeking to mitigate the economic impacts of the coronavirus. AAF's Director of Financial…

Both the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the government's various responses to it are moving quickly. AAF is following the latest developments and…

Regulatory Provisions in the CARES Act

March 20, 2020

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act introduced yesterday in the Senate aims to rectify two regulatory failures by the Food and…

Understanding Stock Buybacks

March 20, 2020

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has brought the issue of stock buybacks back into the news again, as some are seeking to deny assistance to firms that…

The third stimulus package that Congress is considering has two primary implications for the financial services industry, writes AAF's Director of Financial…

Tax Provisions in the CARES Act

March 20, 2020

Yesterday the Senate introduced the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which includes tax relief for both individuals and businesses.…

The second coronavirus response package creates two new paid-leave programs: two weeks sick leave at full pay, and 10 weeks of childcare leave at two-thirds…

The Federal Reserve recently announced a spate of emergency measures intended to stabilize the economy. AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas…

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on Tuesday approved a rule that codifies its management of industrial loan companies (ILCs). ILCs were…

As policymakers consider ways to address climate change, they will look to reduce carbon emissions from U.S. energy production. Nuclear power — as it…

Tomorrow the Department of Labor will release new data of initial unemployment insurance (UI) claims, and these data will almost certainly show a spike…

The Trump Administration recently announced that medical supplies from China will not be subject to tariffs, but it is reportedly also preparing an executive…

With the COVID-19 outbreak worsening in the United States and around the world, Congress is negotiating a deal on an additional emergency response package…

The United States has a vested interest in preserving robust air-freight infrastructure, and passenger airlines serve an important role as they carry a…

Last Friday, President Trump proposed purchasing oil to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), the federal government's emergency store of petroleum…

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump Administration recently announced that it will temporarily waive interest payments on federal student…

While nuclear power produces energy that is both clean and reliable — making it an invaluable part of any climate strategy — it has faced numerous…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The success of any government response to the coronavirus largely depends on the effectiveness of quarantines. As a result, policymakers are reportedly…

Encryption technology has allowed consumers to keep their data and communication private, but it has also allowed criminals to evade surveillance. Policymakers…

Both former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders have proposed tripling federal funding for high-poverty school districts through Title…

Latest Data: Housing Chartbook Q4 2019

March 4, 2020

The state of the housing-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has been in flux over the past year, bringing attention to the outlook of the broader…

Understanding the Insulin Market

March 3, 2020

Despite the fact that insulin treatments were first developed almost 100 years ago, the price of insulin continues to rise dramatically. In the first in…

This morning the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and by extension the…

Tonight the Advanced Geothermal Innovation Leadership (AGILE) Act (S.2657) — which seeks to encourage the development of power plants that harness the…

Since the 1970s, Maryland has had a waiver from the federal government that allows it to set a single health care price for all insurers, including Medicare.…

In an effort to fight nefarious activity on the internet, policymakers are considering amending Section 230 — a federal statute that prevents tech platforms…

Presidential candidate and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently released his proposal for reforming higher-education policy. His plan…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Because nuclear power is both a low-carbon and reliable energy source, it could be a valuable component of an any climate policy. Yet the development of…

From the postwar period to 2007, rapid economic expansion permitted the standard of living to double in one working career — but after the 2008 economic…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently announced that it is examining acquisitions by the largest tech companies of smaller firms over the last decade…

Today an estimated 14 million Americans need long-term care, but that figure is projected to rise by over 70 percent in the next decade, to 24 million…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Last week the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that it would hold a public auction later this year for the C-Band — a section of spectrum…

In testimony today before the House Ways and Means Committee, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the corporate income tax and the impact of the…

Wages are rising throughout the economy, and some are attributing this growth to minimum wage increases in a number of states. While these minimum-wage…

Addressing the national debt is an issue with few advocates, it seems. Are the younger generations likely to prioritize a sustainable federal budget? In…

In this morning's Daily Dish, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin examined claims that the economy is not performing as well as it did under the Obama Administration.…

Members of both chambers of Congress have proposed varying reforms to the drug market in the United States, and specifically to Medicare Part D. AAF's…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

Some, including presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, have warned that subprime auto loans threaten the stability of the economy in the same way that…

In its Budget and Economic Outlook released yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office lowered the interest rate it expects the federal government to pay…

New Podcast Episode: The Phase One Trade Deal

January 29, 2020

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s Budget and Economic Outlook: 2020-2030. Gray…

The Trump Administration has argued that China and other nations pay for the administration's tariffs indirectly. In a new study, AAF President Douglas…

In testimony before the Senate Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee this morning, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the federal fiscal…

Op-Ed: The Lurking Red Tape Problem

January 27, 2020

The Trump Administration's deregulatory policy has been one of its most successful domestic initiatives, with the administration claiming nearly $51 billion…

The Trump Administration issued a rule that clarifies the definition of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) — determining what natural features are…

While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac receive most of the attention in housing policy discussions, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) plays an under-scrutinized…

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) across the economy has led the Trump Administration to produce guidance on regulating AI. The guidance favors…

The Phase One trade agreement between the United States and China reduces non-tariff barriers to U.S. exports and aims to reform unfair Chinese trade practices…

While unions have historically played a valuable role in protecting workers, the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act risks significant damage to…

New Podcast Episode: Wealth Tax Proposals

January 15, 2020

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Trump Administration recently proposed updating the regulations for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in an effort to reduce the duration…

2019: The Year in Regulation

January 14, 2020

In a new retrospective, AAF's Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch takes a look back at the federal government's regulatory policy in 2019. Last year…

Senators and presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have proposed taxes on household wealth, seeking to impose the burden of government…

Recent tension in the Middle East has caused crude oil futures prices to rise in the United States, raising the question of whether the spike is an indicator…

Earlier this week, the Trump Administration released its plan for allowing the importation of drugs from Canada. AAF's Deputy Director of Health Care Policy…

Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently released a plan to achieve universal broadband access in the United States — spending $150…

Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Cory Booker recently released his proposal for reforming pre-K and K-12 education policy. AAF Data Analyst…

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) promotes access to financial services for populations who have historically been underserved by banks, but while the…

The Trump Administration recently unveiled its fiscal year (FY) 2020 regulatory budget, and its cumulative savings target, $51.6 billion, would more than…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

The federal government has imposed more than one billion hours in additional paperwork requirements over the last four years. One way to address this increase…

Democratic presidential candidate and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg recently released his proposal for reforming pre-K and K-12 education policy.…

What’s In The New USMCA?

December 12, 2019

After six months of negotiations, representatives from the United States, Canada, and Mexico have re-signed an updated version of the United States-Mexico-Canada…

The multiemployer pension system is in crisis — several large plans are headed toward insolvency, as is the federal pension backstop — and both the…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Trump Administration recently released the results of its fiscal year 2019 regulatory budget, showing a third consecutive year of net savings. Yet…

Members of both the Senate and the House of Representatives have been actively crafting policy packages seeking to bring down the cost of prescription…

In testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses a number of legislative proposals…

Please note the upper-bound cost estimate for this paid family leave program is $14.07 billion, not $14.07 million, as was stated in yesterday's release.   Congress…

Congress is reportedly considering giving paid family leave to all federal workers — a change in policy that supporters hope will pave the way to a national…

Latest Data: Housing Chartbook Q3 2019

December 9, 2019

The state of the housing-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has been in flux over the past year, bringing attention to the outlook of the broader…

The Trump Administration released the results of its fiscal year (FY) 2019 regulatory budget, showing a third consecutive year of net savings. AAF's Director…

The U.S. education system is struggling: Poor proficiency measures in K-12 reading and math scores and the projected skills shortage in the labor market…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: November Jobs Report

December 5, 2019

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: For November…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Hope for Bicameral Budget Process Reform?

November 22, 2019

Lawmakers and their staff have tried and failed several times to reform the budget process, yet there is still bipartisan interest in passing this type…

AAF health policy analysts Jonathan Keisling and Andrew Strohman have examined the latest Affordable Care Act (ACA) premium data for every individual-market…

The Center for Health and Economy (H&E), a research initiative of the American Action Forum, has produced estimates of the cost and effects of two different…

The Impact of Auto Tariffs

November 18, 2019

Last week marked President Trump’s own deadline to decide whether to impose new tariffs on automobile imports. While no official announcement was made…

AAF's Center for Health and Economy has projected the impact of a full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on the federal budget, the uninsurance…

New Podcast Episode: Medicare for All

November 13, 2019

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

While the administration has not yet released its final regulatory budget accounting for fiscal year 2019, AAF's Regulatory Policy Team has estimated the…

While there is sharp disagreement about how to solve the federal budget challenge, policymakers on both sides of the aisle broadly agree that Congress's…

The Center for Health and Economy (H&E), a research initiative of the American Action Forum, has produced an estimate of the cost and effects of a recent…

Higher education in the United States is ripe for innovation: With job openings exceeding hires, the economy is demanding a skilled workforce, yet the…

While Congress has been unable to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the decade since the financial crisis, this year the Trump Administration has embarked…

The increased demand for mobile data and the future deployment of the 5G network is compelling regulators to look for satellite spectrum that could support…

Gordon’s Guesstimate: October Jobs Report

October 31, 2019

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: With those factors…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Trump Administration recently announced that it tentatively reached a preliminary trade agreement with China. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade…

In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, AAF's Director of Techology and Innovation Policy Will Rinehart discusses the implications of assigning…

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently proposed a rule to change tip regulations, aiming to clarify the rules around tip credits and to expand which employees…

In testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses his views on the controversy of measuring economic inequality.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The United States recently won a 15-year dispute over government subsidies received by aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus, with the Word Trade Organization…

Yesterday President Trump signed two executive orders (EOs) aimed at curtailing agency abuses of "guidance" documents, which have been used to justify…

The Drug Pricing Clinic is your home for all of AAF’s most relevant and up-to-date work on prescription drug policy, proposals, and programs. Policymakers…

Policymakers on both sides of the aisle are looking for ways to reduce spending on health care. While hospital costs are often neglected in these policy…

The increased demand for mobile data and the future deployment of the 5G network is compelling regulators to look for satellite spectrum that could support…

For fiscal year 2019, the Trump Administration set an ambitious goal — $17.9 billion — in total regulatory savings across all executive agencies. Though…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Last week President Trump signed a trade deal with Japan focused on agricultural and digital trade. Removing trade barriers at home and abroad is an effective…

The Economic Cost of Worker Reclassification 

September 27, 2019

California’s Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), which severely restricts how many workers can be classified as contract…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

In testimony before the House Education & Labor Committee's Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions this afternoon, AAF's Director of Health…

Understanding the New Overtime Rule

September 25, 2019

The Department of Labor (DOL) issued a new rule that expands the number of people who qualify for overtime pay, among other things. While this new change…

Congress has recently produced two major proposals to reform prescription drug pricing and, more specifically, Medicare Part D: a Senate Finance Committee…

Latest Data: Housing Chart Book Q2 2019

September 23, 2019

Policymakers are discussing the future of housing-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, bringing attention to the state of the broader housing market.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Facts About the Immigration Crisis

September 18, 2019

What is driving the immigration crisis at the border? In a new essay for The Ripon Forum, AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy Jacqueline Varas…

50 state attorneys general have announced a sweeping investigation into Google, focusing on its dominance in the advertisement and online search markets.…

How effective are current federal job training programs, and how effective will they be in the future? In a new study, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin…

The Trump Administration finalized a rule to repeal the Obama Administration's 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, which defined what natural…

In 2018, U.S. economic growth accelerated, but did this growth benefit the country as a whole? The Census Bureau's 2018 edition of its report Income and…

The United States has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the developed world, and that rate has only risen over the last two decades. In a…

Yesterday, one day before the 11-year anniversary of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac entering conservatorship, the Treasury Department and Department of Housing…

Update: Budget Chart Book Q4 2019

September 4, 2019

Recent projections indicate that the federal deficit will exceed a trillion dollars next fiscal year. With increased concern about the federal budget outlook…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Greedy corporations are the primary reason that rural areas do not have access to high-speed Internet, presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren argued in…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

In an op-ed in TIME, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin considers the likelihood of a recession and assesses the president's stewardship of the economy. An…

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook:…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren recently proposed a federal grant program to expand broadband Internet in rural areas — part of a…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

After the value of China's currency dipped last week, the Trump Administration labeled China a currency manipulator — the first time any administration…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

Changes to the Immigrant Investor Visa

August 7, 2019

The Department of Homeland Security recently published changes to the U.S. immigrant investor program — the EB-5 program — which aims to attract foreign…

The Senate Finance Committee recently passed a wide-ranging bill seeking to overhaul federal drug-pricing policy. AAF's Deputy Director of Health Care…

The Federal Reserve announced today that it will build its own real-time payments platform. AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas Wade has…

While both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have criticized the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) $5 billion settlement with Facebook as too lenient…

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: What do all…

The Trump Administration announced today its plan for pursuing the importation of drugs from abroad. AAF experts have written on this policy in detail…

Understanding the End of the QM Patch

July 31, 2019

While the Obama Administration's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) implemented a rule requiring mortgage borrowers to have a debt-to-income ratio…

Most policy proposals for addressing climate change address only domestic emissions. But as AAF's Director of Energy Policy Philip Rossetti notes, these…

In his fourth round of tariffs, President Trump has officially ordered taxes on all imports from China. The final tranche includes a wide variety of goods…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

With an aging workforce and growing economy, the future demand for skilled workers could vastly exceed the supply. A new study by AAF President Douglas…

Congress will soon consider a proposed reform to increase the number of Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) panels as part of the Small Business Administration…

The Trump Administration recently finalized its replacement for the Clean Power Plan, which aimed to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. AAF's Director…

With multiple committees in both the House and Senate working on legislation to bring down the cost of drugs, AAF's Deputy Director of Health Care Policy…

The crown jewel of the Trump Administration’s economic policy — the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’s (TCJA) business tax reforms — will be at risk when…

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin recently advised Congress that the federal government may hit the current debit limit sooner than expected. AAF's…

Today the United States and Mexico are meeting to assess their June agreement seeking increased enforcement against unauthorized border crossers. This…

Are robots going to take our jobs? Numerous experts have examined this question, specifically looking at how artificial intelligence will displace people.…

The Trump Administration has withdrawn its proposal to reform the rebate program in Medicare Part D. AAF experts have written extensively on Medicare Part…

The Federal Reserve is considering providing real-time payment services, but this would not be the first time the Fed has competed with private entities…

In its quest to address the cost of health care, Congress has turned its attention to surprise medical bills — instances where the patient expects an…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our latest episode features…

The Trump Administration's replacement for the Clean Power Plan (CPP), the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, was expected to be a massive deregulatory…

Are "biosimilars" treated as generic or name-brand drugs in federal law? It depends, as AAF's Deputy Director of Health Care Policy Tara O'Neill Hayes…

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: For the month…

President Trump has imposed tariffs on over $250 billion in imports from China, and while American importers pay the levies, the president claims that…

AAF has proposed realigning incentives in the Medicare Part D program by shifting when drug manufacturers pay rebates, making insurers pay more in the…

With arbitration between the government and drug manufacturers gaining attention as a potential way to reduce drug prices, AAF's Director of Health Care…

This week President Trump issued an executive order pushing for greater price transparency from hospitals and insurers, but it is not clear what impact…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our fifth episode features…

The House Financial Services Committee recently passed two bills to reauthorize and reform the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). How do these bills…

The Congressional Budget Office released its updated Long-Term Budget Outlook — largely similar to last year’s — and projected that the U.S. debt…

In this morning's Daily Dish, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin considers Senator Bernie Sanders' proposal to cancel the $1.6 trillion in existing student…

With momentum building toward reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and releasing them from government control, this morning AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin…

Senator Josh Hawley introduced a bill last week that would strip liability protections for tech companies — unless they are certified as nonpartisan.…

The Trump Administration will reportedly roll out an executive order today, requiring pricing transparency in health care. AAF's Christopher Holt recently…

Senator Josh Hawley introduced a bill on Wednesday that would fundamentally change a key law underpinning the tech economy, Section 230 of the Communications…

Yesterday the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) administrator signed the final Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule to replace the Obama Administration's…

The Trump Administration last week finalized a rule expanding access to Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs). While some supporters of the Affordable…

Latest Data: Housing Chart Book Q1 2019

June 18, 2019

Policymakers are discussing the future of housing-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, bringing attention to the state of the broader housing market.…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our fourth episode features…

In this morning's Daily Dish, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin examines the growing assertion that federal debt is not a problem. While many are saying…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

Congress could make changes this year to the drug-rebate regime in Medicare Part D. Manufacturers currently provide a mandatory rebate in the so-called…

A real-time payment system presents considerable advantages for both individuals and the economy as a whole, and U.S. companies are actively moving in…

Each month, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray predicts the results of the monthly employment survey. This month, Gray writes: My own guestimate…

Many see telephone solicitors and scammers as a rising scourge, and the federal government is moving to curb these annoyances, with the Federal Communications…

Yesterday presidential candidate, and former vice president, Joe Biden released a wide-ranging proposal for addressing climate change. The plan contains…

What is the relationship between obtaining various levels of education—from a professional certification to a doctorate—and employment or earnings?…

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will vote Wednesday on its "Best Interest" regulation for financial advisors. The proposed rule significantly…

The Trump Administration has proposed a reform to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) — a policy designed to offset oil imports with domestically produced…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our third episode features…

The American Action Forum has released “Building a Pro-Growth Legal Immigration System,” a new proposal for reforming immigration to the United States.…

Yesterday the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) withdrew a three-year-old proposed rule that would have mandated railroad crews of at least two individuals.…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

The Trump Administration has proposed changing how drug manufacturers can issue rebates for drugs in Medicare and Medicaid: Instead of issuing rebates…

Climate change proposals such as the Green New Deal seek to reduce the United States' own greenhouse gas emissions, but these proposals overlook one major…

It's The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our second episode features…

I do not want to have to imagine a world without Alice Rivlin. She set the standard for public service. Her storied career was filled with noteworthy accomplishments…

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

Supporters of the Green New Deal and other climate policies often contend that the benefits of action outweigh any costs. In new research, AAF's Director…

President Trump over the weekend promised to raise tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods from the current 10 percent rate to 25 percent. AAF's Director…

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report this week on the questions around a single-payer health care system. AAF's Director of Health Care…

New Changes to Asylum Laws 

May 1, 2019

President Trump issued a memo on Monday to the acting Secretary of Homeland Security outlining changes to the asylum admissions process. In a new Insight, AAF's…

Introducing Our New Podcast: The AAF Exchange

May 1, 2019

Introducing The AAF Exchange — your source for clear, data-driven insight into today’s economic and domestic policy issues. Our first episode features…

The Trump Administration is considering waiving the requirements of a 1920 law that is forcing American natural gas consumers without pipeline access…

The Social Security Trustees report brought attention to the troubled state of the program's finances, but the mechanics of its benefits are not widely…

AAF experts analyze the highlights of the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports that were released today. According to the reports, Medicare will…

A little more than halfway through the fiscal year, many agencies are well behind the Trump Administration's goals for regulatory savings. Director of…

House Democrats recently pushed through a bill restoring net neutrality regulations. While most policymakers agree on net neutrality's basic principles…

Last week Senators Mark Warner and Deb Fischer introduced the Deceptive Experiences To Online Users Reduction (DETOUR) Act, which seeks to prohibit deceptive…

Last week the Trump Administration set in motion a process that clarifies Congress’s ability to override regulations and guidance documents, including…

While the full impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on the tax-compliance burden is not yet clear, in advance of April 15th, AAF research indicates…

The devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria to Puerto Rico’s electricity grid made evident systemic problems with the Commonwealth’s publicly owned…

Gambling on sports has expanded notably since the middle of last year. In a new primer, AAF's Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch and Aveen Bhatia…

President Trump recently announced that he will close the southern border due to the volume of asylum seekers. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade…

California Governor Gavin Newsom's recent State of the State address has brought increased attention to the idea of giving data dividends — platforms…

The rising costs of health care in the United States have led some insurers and Medicaid programs to implement incentives to discourage the inappropriate…

A big priority of the Trump Administration is lowering drug prices, and the president's budget accordingly contains a range of proposals for the government's…

This week the Trump Administration released a memo directing several agencies to develop comprehensive housing finance reform plans — the most significant…

The benefits and the costs of the Department of Labor’s proposed overtime pay rule are limited. In new research, AAF's Director of Labor Market Policy…

The launch of Beto O'Rourke's presidential campaign brought renewed attention to the idea of expanding broadband Internet into rural regions. Yet rural…

American Action Forum founder and Chairman of the Board Fred Malek passed away peacefully Sunday, March 24. The AAF community joins his family in mourning…

AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray analyzes the Senate Budget Committee's Chairman's Mark for the FY2020 Budget Resolution. An excerpt: It…

Maryland's General Assembly passed a bill to raise the state's minimum wage from $10.10 to $15 per hour by 2025 — and it did so with enough votes to…

The Fiscal Implications of the FAMILY Act

March 21, 2019

Policymakers have become increasingly interested in expanding Americans' access to paid family and medical leave. A new study by AAF's Director of Labor…

The Trump Administration is considering a regulation to rescind employment authorization from select H-4 visa holders — the spouses of high-skilled H-1B…

The United States' light-touch regulatory regime has fostered a dynamic tech sector, but in the past year the regulatory climate around technology companies…

New From AAF: Eye on Trade & Tariff Watch

March 13, 2019

Trade barriers imposed by the Trump Administration threaten to diminish the benefits of international trade. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy…

The collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's single-family mortgage portfolio sat at the center of the Great Recession, but another aspect of their portfolio…

Senator Warren on Friday proposed breaking up the largest tech companies in order to promote competition and entrepreneurship. AAF's Director of Technology…

Highlights of the President’s Budget

March 11, 2019

AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray analyzes the figures in the president's budget. Some highlights: While the budget projects increases…

With climate policy under consideration in Congress, AAF's Director of Energy Policy Philip Rossetti examines some of the central claims often made about…

In testimony before the House Ways & Means Committee, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses promoting competition to lower Medicare drug prices. To…

The Green New Deal, as recently proposed in Congress, is an ambitious and expansive plan to remake much of U.S. public policy, as it contains energy initiatives…

With at least 16 states suing to stop President Trump’s emergency declaration on Friday, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray outlines the statutory…

President Trump declared today that he would redirect military project funding to build a border wall. When this idea first surfaced last month, AAF's…

Yesterday, President Trump signed an Executive Order aimed at ultimately boosting the federal government's support for artificial intelligence (AI). AAF's…

The House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing tomorrow on banking access for legal marijuana businesses. Legalization efforts in some states…

Recent money laundering scandals have drawn attention to regulatory shortcomings in the global financial system, and Congress has signaled that it will…

To ensure that Medicaid received the best price for drugs, Congress created the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program, also known as the Medicaid "best price" rule.…

The Energy Information Administration recently released its latest projections of oil production in the United States over the next decade. AAF's Director…

In testimony before the House Budget Committee, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray discussed the need to responsibly fund the nation’s defense…

In testimony before the House Education and Labor Committee, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the implications of raising the federal minimum…

Under the Obama Administration, the federal government created new regulatory bodies—most notably the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and the Consumer…

In testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the ambiguities and complexities of drug pricing, the causes…

With advocacy groups and some members of Congress pushing for a "Green New Deal" package, AAF's Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch examines what regulations…

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the key points of the Congressional Budget Office’s Budget and Economic Outlook: 2019-2029. Gray…

A "Green New Deal" is gaining some momentum on the left, and a prominent plank of some versions is a plan to move 100 percent of the United States’…

Medicare Part D has been a successful program by many metrics, but its costs are rising quickly, and many are pointing to the program's structure as a…

Understanding the ADD Act

January 17, 2019

Senator Marco Rubio just introduced a new federal privacy bill, the American Data Dissemination (ADD) Act. AAF's Director of Technology and Innovation…

Since 2015, the Export-Import Bank has worked under several constraints that have limited its ability to finance American exports. AAF's Director of Financial…

President Trump is reported to be considering building the wall using an emergency declaration to reallocate funds currently planned for military construction…

With many calling for federal regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), AAF's Director of Technology and Innovation Policy Will Rinehart explains in…

President Trump has claimed that the proposed replacement for NAFTA will pay for the wall on the Mexican border. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade…

2018: The Year in Regulation

January 8, 2019

In a new retrospective, AAF's Regulatory Policy team, Dan Bosch and Dan Goldbeck, take a look back at regulatory policy in 2018. Last year was the first…

With momentum building for action on drug prices in Congress, AAF's Deputy Director of Health Care Policy Tara O'Neill Hayes examines in depth the potential…

Yesterday's edition of the Federal Register set a surprising record: The full length of the daily compendium of federal administrative actions…

With the partial federal government shutdown well underway, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray examines how a shutdown costs both taxpayers and…

On Wednesday the Federal Communications Commission will likely vote to designate text messages under the Federal Communications Act's Title I classification.…

In October, a court halted the Trump Administration's effort to remove "Temporary Protected Status" (TPS) designation from four countries: Haiti, Sudan…

The Trump Administration has proposed new emissions rules for new power plants, leading some to fear that coal-powered plants might make a comeback as…

A $42 Billion Regulatory Error

December 7, 2018

This week, federal regulatory paperwork burden data contained a $42 billion reduction in estimated costs for one regulation, notes AAF's Senior Regulatory…

With the open enrollment period ending soon for the Affordable Care Act's exchanges, AAF's Health Policy Analyst Jonathan Keisling provides a comprehensive…

With the Trump Administration seeking to reduce the number of refugees who enter the United States and the number of asylum applications skyrocketing…

The Trump Administration is considering expanding its review of regulations to independent agencies. While such a move could be controversial in some cases…

In the midst of the Great Recession, the Obama Administration repurposed the Loan Programs Office (LPO) to support economic growth in addition to energy…

Earlier today the Environmental Protection Agency released the latest biofuel blending requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). AAF's Director…

As a joint select committee in Congress considers how to handle underfunded multiemployer pension plans, AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray examines…

On Monday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released several new proposed regulations seeking to put downward pressure on drug prices.…

The select congressional committee on budget process reform has until Friday to report a process reform package to the full Congress, but we should moderate…

Institutional investors, such as pension funds, own stakes in thousands of companies, which makes voting in shareholder meetings inconvenient at best.…

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) expanded the definition of a "joint-employer" in 2015 with the goal of providing greater protections to contract…

Federal spending on innovation programs is often seen as a prime place for budget cuts, as its value can be hard to determine tangibly. AAF's Director…

Congress is likely to consider a comprehensive federal privacy law next year, and some are pushing for an "opt-in" requirement for all forms of data collection…

Yesterday the Federal Reserve announced two proposed regulations that would implement part of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection…

Overall health costs are rising, and policymakers and insurers have turned their attention to emergency departments as a possible cause. In a new primer…

In general, Congress appears to lack in-depth knowledge of tech issues, and some have proposed reviving the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) to strengthen…

Sizing Up the New Rules for HRAs

October 25, 2018

Earlier this week, the Trump Administration proposed new rules for Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs), which the Affordable Care Act essentially eliminated.…

With debate heating up over reforming the Community Reinvestment Act, it is important to understand the law's history and mechanics to grasp the necessity…

The proposed replacement for NAFTA, the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA), includes provisions governing digital trade. Specifically…

Yesterday the Trump Administration issued new rules for the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) Section 1332 state waiver program in an effort to encourage more…

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently made headlines for downgrading its projection for the world economy's growth. But what is the IMF, and what…

Disasters such as Hurricane Michael are, by definition, unpredictable, but the federal government does try to budget for them. AAF's Director of Fiscal…

Earlier this week, the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) de-designated the insurance giant Prudential as a "systemically important financial…

Today the American Action Forum released an analysis of the Trump Administration's regulatory budget for FY2019. The FY2019 budget calls for nearly twice…

Bank capital requirements have become a universal part of the regulatory regime for the banking industry since the 2008 financial crisis. But what are…

Is Immigration Driving Income Inequality in the U.S.?

October 11, 2018

The American Action Forum released a new insight examining whether immigration plays a role in income inequality. AAF's Jacqueline Varas finds that immigrants…

Today the American Action Forum released research examining the regulatory savings achieved under the Trump Administration in FY 2018. The research found…

Ten years after the financial crisis, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack still linger in government conservatorship, yet congressional reform does not seem likely…

The International Space Station (ISS) was originally intended to last only until 2015, but Congress has extended its funding, and the Trump Administration…

Today the American Action Forum released updated research calculating the total costs of President Trump's Section 301 and 232 tariffs. The research finds…

The proposed merger between T-Mobile and Sprint is facing regulatory scrutiny, with some, including the New York Attorney General, examining the effect…

ICYMI: Why ‘GILTI’ Must be Fixed

September 17, 2018

Today The Hill featured an op-ed authored by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, President of the American Action Forum and James Carter, former deputy assistant secretary…

Last fall's tax reform law changed the U.S. corporate tax code from a global to a territorial system, and to prevent base erosion Congress implemented…

Opioid Crisis: The State-by-State Economic Impact

September 12, 2018

Today the American Action Forum released a study on the impact the opioid crisis has had on the labor force and economic growth in each state. Building…

With the Trump Administration moving toward reforming the Community Reinvestment Act, which seeks to prevent discrimination in banking, AAF's Director…

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is working to create a national group capital calculation for insurers, and it appears this…

The American Action Forum (AAF) released new research into the Trump Administration's deregulatory trends in terms of nonsignificant rulemakings. While…

Lawmakers at the state and federal level have recently begun incorporating insights on the "social determinants" of health into parts of Medicare and Medicaid.…

ICYMI: We Have Not Yet Begun To Fight (Budget Update)

August 30, 2018

AAF's Director of Fiscal Policy, Gordon Gray, released a brief reaction to last week’s CBO report, detailing the fiscal discipline necessary to bring…

In today's Morning Consult, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Ken Thorpe of Emory University discuss the barriers to moving the U.S. health care system…

The Trump Administration has issued a number of new regulations affecting Medicare, private insurers, and beneficiaries. Deputy Director of Health Care…

President Trump has continued his critique of the Federal Reserve's decision to raise interest rates. AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas…

ACE vs CPP, What Changes?

August 22, 2018

Today the American Action Forum released an analysis of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule. The EPA's proposed…

Medicare Part D is considered by many to be one of the best designed entitlement programs. Nevertheless, federal expenditures have been rising, largely…

Many are framing their health insurance reform proposals as some form of Medicare expansion: “Medicare Part E,” “Medicare for All,” “Medicare…

As the Trump Administration pursues an infrastructure bill that includes rural broadband expansion, AAF's Director of Technology and Innovation Policy…

With less than two months left in FY2018, AAF's Dan Bosch looks at the status of the Trump Administration's regulatory budget. Bosch finds that the administration…

Following the close of the public comment period, Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas Wade examines the SEC's proposed rule covering brokers'…

Congress Passes Major CFIUS Reform

August 8, 2018

The American Action Forum released a brief insight into Congress's newly passed CFIUS reform. AAF's Jacqueline Varas and Thomas Wade write: The Foreign…

The American Action Forum released research examining the trends in hotel employment, hours, and wages since the NLRB broadened the joint employer standard…

In an op-ed featured in The Hill, Douglas Holtz-Eakin writes on the need to reduce carbon emissions while maintaining economic growth. See excerpt below: "There…

Today the American Action Forum released research calculating the costs of President Trump's new round of Section 301 tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese…

With the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) expiring next Tuesday, Congress is struggling to reauthorize it in time, let alone provide much needed…

Is breaking up big tech a realistic policy option? In a Wall Street Journal op-ed published today, AAF’s Director of Technology and Innovation Policy…

The American Action Forum released new research examining how the United States should go about improving energy security of military bases. AAF's Director…

Scott Pruitt — A Regulatory Look Back

July 23, 2018

The American Action Forum released an analysis of former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt's time in office. AAF’s Dan…

The Trump Administration recently announced new tariffs on roughly $250 billion of Chinese imports. AAF's Director of Immigration and Trade Policy, Jacqueline…

As opioid abuse continue to claim thousands of lives, Congress is considering a number of proposals to help fight the epidemic. AAF's Deputy Director of…

As HHS Secretary Alex Azar will speak at the 340B Coalition conference today, American Action Forum's extensive research on the history, mechanisms, and…

Buried in the White House's plan for reorganizing the federal government were some major changes for the two housing government-sponsored enterprises…

With many calling for the breakup of the largest tech firms, AAF's Director of Technology and Innovation Policy Will Rinehart looks back at three watershed…

AAF’s Director of Education Policy Chad Miller examines the opportunities presented by a reauthorization bill of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical…

In an op-ed featured in the Washington Examiner, AAF's Director of Energy Policy, Philip Rossetti explains why the Trump Administration should avoid unnecessarily…

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray breaks down the Congressional Budget Office's new analysis of President Trump's budget and puts it in historical…

The European Union’s new data regulation will take effect this Friday, May 25th. AAF’s Director of Technology and Innovation Policy Will Rinehart explains…

“This bill is a much-anticipated step forward in reforming the most onerous regulations of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection…

AAF’s Deputy Director of Health Care Policy, Tara O’Neill Hayes, examines the plausibility of the federal government negotiating drug prices directly…

In today's Daily Caller, AAF Director of Energy Policy Philip Rossetti writes on the California Energy Commission's recent decision to require all…

Regulation and Deregulation: How Do They Work?

May 15, 2018

How are regulations made? And…how do you get rid of them? A new AAF video explains the federal regulatory process in less than 3 minutes. Next, an infographic…

AAF's Deputy Director of Health Care Policy Tara O'Neill Hayes breaks down how changes to the catastrophic coverage threshold in Medicare Part D impact…

Today the American Action Forum released research examining the impact Chinese retaliatory trade tariffs would have on the United States. It estimates…

AAF’s Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch breaks down the Trump Administration's Spring 2018 Regulatory Agenda, released today, and puts it in historical…

AAF’s Director of Fiscal Policy Gordan Gray breaks down President Trump’s rescission request to Congress. Both liberals and conservatives are making…

AAF’s Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch breaks down the Trump Administration's Spring 2018 Regulatory Agenda, released today, and puts it in historical…

A New Era For “Small Business Week”

May 7, 2018

Last week the American Action Forum released an analysis examining how deregulation under the Trump Administration has benefited small businesses across…

ICYMI: Don’t Sacrifice Markets to Bail Out Utilities

April 27, 2018

In today's Washington Examiner, AAF Director of Energy Policy Philip Rossetti explains why it is important for the federal government to avoid sacrificing…

The American Action Forum released a study examining long-term solutions for the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) in light of its expected insolvency in 2021.…

AAF’s Director of Innovation and Tech Policy Will Rinehart analyzes the likely results of reinstating the old Title II net neutrality regime through…

AAF Research Finds the RFS Has Been a Costly Failure

April 19, 2018

New American Action Forum research finds the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has failed to achieve its intended policy goals and has imposed costly burdens…

CBO Outlook Projects Increase in U.S. Trade Deficit

April 18, 2018

The American Action Forum's Jacqueline Varas examines the Congressional Budget Offices's projections for the trade balance in its newly released Budget…

Tax Day 2018 Compliance Costs Approach $200 Billion

April 16, 2018

New American Action Forum research released today shows cumulative monetized Tax Day costs for 2018 have approached $200 billion, a 14 percent increase…

In today's The Hill, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin writes on the need for a pro-growth economic policy agenda. See excerpt below: "More rapid innovation…

Today the American Action Forum released research examining the recent rise in opioid-involved fatalities. AAF research found that despite opioid prescriptions…

Ten years after the start of the financial crisis, Congress has done little to reform the U.S. housing finance system, and especially the government-sponsored…

As Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress over data privacy concerns, many are seeking policy solutions to encourage greater data security…

Re-Regulation at the Surface Transportation Board?

April 10, 2018

Today the American Action Forum's Director of Regulatory Policy, Dan Bosch, released an insight examining the Surface Transportation Board's (STB) consideration…

AAF's Jonathan Keisling dives into the 2018 enrollment data for the Affordable Care Act exchanges and finds some indications that the exchanges are struggling.…

Highlights of the CBO Budget and Economic Outlook

April 9, 2018

The American Action Forum's Gordon Gray beaks down the highlights of the CBO's Budget and Economic Outlook. See excerpt below: "Interest payments…

In light of President Trump's comments last week, the American Action Forum’s Director of Energy Policy Philip Rossetti warns of the dangers posed…

Today the American Action Forum released an analysis examining the implications of President Trump's Section 301 tariffs. The analysis shows how the tariffs are…

ICYMI: Rediscovering Rescissions

April 4, 2018

After having threatened to veto the recently enacted $1.3 trillion appropriations act, President Trump appears to be preparing to send Congress a package…

Today the American Action Forum released new research examining Puerto Rican outmigration trends post Hurricane Maria. AAF found that Puerto Rico’s outmigration…

Last week the American Action Forum released new research examining how the uncertainty for franchises surrounding the joint employer rule may be delaying…

In yesterday's The Hill, AAF's Director of Trade and Immigration Policy Jacqueline Varas explains why restricting legal immigration in exchange for a…

AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Director of Immigration and Trade Policy Jackie Varas examine President Trump's proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum…

AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy, Meghan Milloy, outlined the highlights and anticipated effects of upcoming banking regulatory reform legislation…

In light of today's expected announcement by the White House on steel tariffs, I thought this previously released AAF analysis could be useful. Please…

The Microsoft antitrust case is seen by many as a model for how to constrain the largest tech companies. AAF's Director of Technology and Innovation Policy…

AAF’s Director of Financial Services Policy, Meghan Milloy, compares the Senate and House versions of banking regulatory legislation in a new analysis.…

As Congress considers President Trump’s infrastructure plan, AAF’s Will Rinehart considers the implications for broadband Internet expansion. Some…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research on paid family and medical leave in the United States. In light of recent paid leave policy…

Congress recently passed changes to Medicare Part D as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2018, and President Trump proposed more changes in his…

This week the American Action Forum released research examining the importance of the Department of Energy’s publicly funded National Laboratories to…

ICYMI: U.S. Trade Enforcement Mechanisms

February 14, 2018

Today the American Action Forum released new research on U.S. trade enforcement mechanisms authored by AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Director of…

AAF’s Tara O’Neill Hayes analyzes a provision in the proposed Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 that affects Medicare Part D’s coverage gap. She finds…

ICYMI: How to Grow the Economy in 2018

February 7, 2018

In today's The Hill, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin writes on what it will take to grow the economy in 2018. See excerpt below: "The U.S. economy…

The American Action Forum released a new report by its Director of Labor Policy Ben Gitis examining the job implications of the state minimum wage increases…

“Parity” Does Not Reflect Budgetary Reality

February 6, 2018

Today, the American Action Forum's Director of Fiscal Policy Gordon Gray released an insight explaining why the “parity principle” does not reflect…

“Data portability” is one proposal among several for curbing the power of the largest tech companies. This proposal gives individuals the ability…

ICYMI: Examining the Data on Wage Growth

February 1, 2018

Are wages rising? AAF's Director of Labor Market Policy Ben Gitis examines the data around wages and earnings. He finds that growth in both wages and take-home…

AAF's Director of Financial Services Policy Meghan Milloy argues in a new Washington Examiner op-ed that the outcome of the MetLife lawsuit is correct…

AAF’s Director of Health Care Policy Christopher Holt identifies three key areas of the health care debate that President Trump should discuss in his…

"Congress may play a role in these reforms, but the burden of implementing them lies with a range of actors including state and local governments, insurance…

The American Action Forum yesterday released new analysis of recent calls for the federal government to negotiate drug prices in Medicare. AAF health care…

Last week the American Action Forum released research comparing the fiscal costs of DACA recipients to their direct and indirect contributions. See an…

Paid Leave Tax Credit is Unprecedented… Now What?

January 25, 2018

The American Action Forum released a primer outlining important questions about the new paid family and medical leave tax credit included in the Tax Cuts…

Today the American Action Forum released new analysis by AAF’s Director of Technology and Innovation Policy, Will Rinehart, on the current proposal to…

As President Trump seeks changes to the U.S immigration system, existing visa programs are facing scrutiny. Today the American Action Forum released an…

Today the American Action Forum released new research by AAF’s Director of Education Policy, Chad Miller, on the effectiveness of student loan counseling.…

ICYMI: Deregulation Under Trump, An Update

January 23, 2018

The American Action Forum released an updated analysis of deregulatory moves taken by the Trump Administration. See excerpt below: "Overall, the…

With hospitals suing to block cuts to drug payments, AAF’s Deputy Director of Health Care Policy, Tara O’Neill Hayes, explained today in the Washington…

In today's The Hill, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin writes on the need for Congress to deliver on the 20 percent corporate tax rate. Please see an…

The American Action Forum released research comparing the fiscal costs of DACA recipients to their direct and indirect contributions. It found that DACA…


January 11, 2018

As infrastructure discussions begin for 2018, the American Action Forum released primers on the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation…

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will decide on Wednesday whether to implement a Department of Energy (DOE) proposal to support certain energy…

Today the American Action Forum released a post cautioning the U.S. government on over-regulating the energy market. "DOE’s proposed regulation would…

The American Action Forum recently released research examining DACA recipients’ contributions to the U.S. economy. The research finds that each DACA…

This week the American Action Forum released an overview of what to expect from the Trump Administration’s latest regulatory agenda. The overview shows…

The American Action Forum has released detailed and nationally comprehensive research examining insurance plans and premiums in the Affordable Care Act…

The American Action Forum released research examining DACA recipients’ contributions to the U.S. economy. The research finds that each DACA recipient…

ICYMI: Restoring Faith in Global Trade

December 18, 2017

Today in the Huffington Post, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin writes on the the importance of real and visible trade enforcement. Please see an excerpt…

ICYMI: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Must Be Reformed

December 15, 2017

AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Director of Financial Services Policy Meghan Milloy discuss the need for reforming government-sponsored enterprises…

The American Action Forum's Director of Technology and Innovation Policy, William Rinehart, explains the context around the Federal Communication Commission's…

The American Action Forum’s Gordon Gray, director of fiscal policy, looked at the federal discretionary spending outlook for 2018. Federal funding faces…

AAF Releases Menu of Options to Grow the Labor Force

December 8, 2017

The American Action Forum released a menu of options to increase the labor force participation rate. AAF analysis shows that while the overall labor force…

AAF Releases Menu of Options to Grow the Labor Force

December 8, 2017

The American Action Forum released a menu of options to increase the labor force participation rate. AAF analysis shows that while the overall labor force…

Today the American Action Forum released an analysis of regulatory savings under the Trump Administration. The research finds the administration has cut…

The American Action Forum’s Gordon Gray considers the context of the Joint Committee on Taxation’s estimate of the tax reform bill’s impact on economic…

Today the American Action Forum released research examining how large scale hurricanes affect state and local populations. The research examined population…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a brief analysis of the battle over who manages the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The conflict…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a report on the 340B Drug Pricing Program, which was originally intended to provide low-income consumers…

FDA Forgoes $585 Million in Regulatory Savings

November 27, 2017

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision to forgo up to $585 million in regulatory…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of a bipartisan Senate reform proposal to reduce the regulatory burden for small and mid-size…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a report on proposed reforms to the Affordable Care Act’s Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver program.…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the energy proposals in the House of Representative’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The TCJA…

  Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the Senate GOP tax reform bill’s proposal to give tax credits to businesses…

Yesterday the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a report previewing rule changes the Federal Communications Commission will consider at its Open Meeting…

The Growth Impacts of Framework-Consistent Tax Reform

November 9, 2017

The central questions in the tax reform debate are: Can tax reform spur greater investment and economic growth? Will that growth translate into higher…

In today's The Hill AAF's Ben Gitis discusses the NRLB's joint employer rule and notes that today Congress will have the opportunity to help American…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) has released a series of brief explainers on various parts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act and…

Today the American Action Forum released an analysis of the Congressional Democratic leadership's $40 billion broadband plan. The plan estimates the total…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a series of brief explainers on various parts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new insight on 2018 premium increases. See excerpt below: "The large premium increases set for 2018…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining how much Uber drivers make. The research used Reddit data and found that the self…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an overview of the historical use of reconciliation in light of the FY2018 budget resolution. The overview explains…

Yesterday the American Action Forum hosted an event on the future of Medicare Part D. Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) served as the keynote speaker and was…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the EPA’s new “sue and settle” directive. The analysis finds that from 2005 through…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the possible impacts multiemployer pension financing may have on the federal budget.…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the U.S. – E.U. conflict of broker-dealer laws which hinders important equity research.…

Health Care Affordability Discussions Must Include DIR

October 18, 2017

Today the American Action Forum released new research on prescription drug prices and their effect on Medicare Part D. AAF finds that direct and indirect…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the Department of Energy’s proposed price intervention rule. The analysis finds that while there…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the need to reform the federal approval process for infrastructure projects. The research…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released research examining Puerto Rico’s electric authority, PREPA, and its ability to repair the island’s electric…

AAF's Jacqueline Varas and Philip Rossetti argue that the United States should repeal the Jones Act in an op-ed published in The Hill. Below is an…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released a final review for the first phase of President Trump’s Executive Order 13,771 which established a “one-in…

AAF Overview of “Big Six” Tax Reform Framework

September 27, 2017

Below is a brief overview of the "Big Six" tax reform framework. Click here to read the overview.

AAF Examines Fate of Obama-Era Labor Regulations

September 21, 2017

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining the fate of Obama-era labor regulations. Through multiple executive actions, the Obama…

AAF: Trump on Track to Meet Deregulatory Goal

September 20, 2017

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining President Trump’s deregulatory push. The research finds that the administration is on…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research that finds removing the 790,000 undocumented immigrants currently enrolled in the DACA program would…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the United States’ push to modernize its Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. AAF analysis finds…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining how the National Labor Relations Board’s broadened joint employer standard has affected…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that proposes reforms to ensure the program—which…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released research examining the state of federal worker training programs. The research finds that while worker training…

The American Action Forum’s Kim VanWyhe looks at the potential effects on the oil industry of Hurricane Harvey, which has forced more than 10 major refineries—with…

New American Action Forum (@AAF) analysis shows obtaining general educational requirements from a two-year institution of higher learning can benefit students…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining how the current tax code penalizes innovation in the energy sector. The research explains…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining the need for a long-term Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) reauthorization bill. The…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released a primer on the operational risk capital for health insurers in light of this week's National Association for…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining the progress the Trump Administration has made in slowing down and rolling back the regulatory…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining congressional Democrats’ new policy platform, A Better Deal on Trade and Jobs.…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released research examining the potential of infrastructure asset recycling to fund new infrastructure projects. The…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released research examining the impacts of Nevada’s proposed minimum wage hike. The research finds that should…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released research examining federal burdens imposed upon the nuclear industry. AAF research finds that each year…

Below please find the American Action Forum’s (@AAF) analysis of the Medicare and Social Security Trustees reports released yesterday. Click here to…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining the unintended consequences of imposing steel tariffs. According to the analysis…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the implications of Buy America regulations on U.S.-based infrastructure projects…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of two studies—with vastly divergent conclusions—assessing the influence of Seattle’s…

Today the American Action Forum (AAF) released a new analysis examining the role deregulation has played in House appropriations bills. AAF analysis finds…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining the deregulatory efforts of both President Trump and President Obama. AAF analysis…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the difference between the female labor force outcomes in the United States and…

AAF Releases Paid Family Leave Analysis

June 7, 2017

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of the American Enterprise Institute-Brookings Institution working group paid parental leave…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining the regulatory savings of the CHOICE Act. According to AAF analysis, the CHOICE Act would…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining the historic nature of the current regulatory slowdown. According to AAF analysis…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the economic impact of the State Sponsored Visa Pilot Program. AAF research finds…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining the cumulative impact of the president’s one-in, two-out regulatory reform initiative.…

AAF Analysis Of CRA Repeal Efforts

May 17, 2017

The American Action Forum released an analysis examining recent efforts to repeal the Congressional Review Act (CRA). AAF analysis determines that the…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining Congressional Review Act (CRA) actions taken this year. According to AAF analysis…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of the Medicaid reforms included in the American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA). The analysis…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining possible steps the federal government could take to improve the beleaguered Washington…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining discretionary rulemakings. AAF analysis finds that Congress can use past discretionary…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining possible U.S. policies on the Paris Climate Agreement. AAF finds that the U.S.’…

Today the American Action Forum released an analysis examining the regulatory costs incurred over President Trump’s first 100 days. AAF finds that over…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining the speed of regulation and deregulation in light of the president and Congress’s…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining the fiscal benefits of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) and regulatory reform. AAF analysis…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining IRS paperwork burdens. AAF analysis finds that the IRS generates 8.1 billion hours…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining how regulations affect small businesses. AAF research finds that the average small…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis examining the impact of President Trump’s executive order approving the Keystone XL Pipeline.…

Nearly 1,500 Economists Say Immigration Strengthens American Economy in Letter to White House, Congress Signatories include Six Nobel Laureates, Economists…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the declines in coal. AAF research finds the use of coal for electricity has been…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining the regulatory impacts of President Trump’s executive order dealing with climate…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) today released a proposal for a federal paid parental leave program that…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining President Trump’s regulatory freeze. The analysis illustrates how impactful the…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research looking into the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) funding in light of…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) projection of insurance coverage under the American…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a review of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the House reconciliation bill to repeal and replace the…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released research examining how the Medical Device Tax has impacted employment. Over the three years the tax was…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released research examining how expediting the National Environmental Policy Act review process would allow additional…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released policy recommendations to improve the federal student aid system. The research offers specific reforms…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released research examining the benefits of both bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. President Trump has…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released research examining the feasibility of private sector funded infrastructure partnerships. The research…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis showing Congress could save $40 billion in regulatory costs by using the Congressional Review…

Today the American Action Forum (AAF) released a new analysis examining the likely climate impacts of President Trump’s environmental policies. The…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the amount of midnight regulations issued by Obama Administration. The research…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining President Obama’s environmental legacy. AAF research finds that President Obama’s…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released research showing that regulations from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are costing small business employees…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) and the Aspen Institute's Future of Work Initiative today released research that examines regional, economic, and demographic…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released research examining the impact of the Department of Labor's overtime pay rule on higher education. The research…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research today examining Children with Medical Complexity and how they are covered by Medicaid. Specifically…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis examining the amount U.S. allies pay to share the burden for common defense. The AAF analysis finds…

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and its rulemaking in light of the…

The American Action Forum (AAF) released new research examining regulations issued by the Obama Administration. AAF found that the administration has issued…

New research finds proposals to be quite expensive to implement

What’s The Real Solution To Inversions?

October 4, 2016

“The fundamental issue is tax reform,” says Holtz-Eakin in the video.

"Overall economic growth has trucked along at 2 percent, in the end that will be President Obama’s legacy: a 2 percent economy."

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the Obama Administration’s final regulatory review. AAF found that while President Obama…

The research recommends that FSOC adopt an activities-based approach in their monitoring of systemic risk.

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the recent $1.7 billion in payments the U.S. sent to Iran. The research finds that of…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the Department of Education’s proposed regulations for supplement, not supplant provisions of…

The median CFPB rule takes 114 days to complete, compared to 401 days for other federal agencies.

The Earned Income Leave Benefit (EILB) is an example of a targeted and more cost-effective way to provide up to 12 weeks of paid family leave

AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin examines three policy responses to tax inversions, and how fixing the tax code is the only way to stop inversions

AAF Analysis On How Brexit Could Impact Tech Policy

July 26, 2016

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis examining how the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union could impact digital trade…

The analysis examining the outcomes if the Dodd-Frank Act were never signed into law

Dogs are featured in the video that underscores the real reasons companies invert

AAF's analysis finds the Environmental Protection Agency paperwork burden set a record.

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of the 2016 Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports which reviews the financial state…

The American Action Forum released new research examining the amount that student borrowers pursuing a 4-year degree are saving due to the Student Loan…

AAF research on the fiduciary rule finds retirement savers lose $1,375 a year due to the regulation

AAF examines how union membership impacts economic activity

The American Action Forum released new research examining the economic benefits generated by trade. The research details the value of trade agreements…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining whether state-level expenditures for higher education impacts college tuition. The research…

Highlights of AAF's research regarding the fiduciary regulation

The American Action Forum today released new research examining the cumulative Medicare Advantage (MA) cuts in each state since the Affordable Care Act…

AAF analyzes DOL's new overtime regulation and finds it will only increase weekly pay on average by $5.48

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research today examining the number of major regulations being pushed through the White House before “Regulation…

AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin explains Puerto Rico's economic crisis

AAF examines the impact on the labor market of removing all undocumented immigrants

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its members' military spending. The…

The American Action Forum released new research examining the impact of education standards on long-term economic growth, job growth, and educational attainment…

The American Action Forum released an analysis of the new Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) program, a new initiative from the Center for Medicare…

AAF reviews bill to use the Congressional Review Act to rescind the fiduciary regulation

New research from AAF finds the government imposes more than 23,000 forms

The American Action Forum released a new analysis of a white paper on risk-adjustment methodology recently published by CMS regarding the model used in…

The American Action Forum released new research examining state-by-state college tuition increases and changes to financial assistance. The research finds…

AAF examines the costs of the fiduciary rule

Treasury undertook actions to prevent inversions, AAF examines the consequences

Holtz-Eakin comments on the recent action by the administration to stop inversions

The administration added $16 billion in regulatory costs

700,000 jobs could be lost as a result of California's minimum wage hike

1,000 regulations were not reported to Congress

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research today that examines the cities that raised the minimum wage in 2015 and the impact on restaurant…

AAF outlines reforms to the National Flood Insurance Program

The American Action Forum released new research today examining Medicaid waste, fraud, and abuse. The research details the high rate of improper payments…

AAF examines the tariff proposal & finds that it would cost consumers $250 billion per year.

The American Action Forum (@AAF) examined recent proposals by some of the presidential candidates to remove the 11.3 million undocumented immigrants residing…

AAF examination of the OECD's plan for base erosion and profit shifting finds it is costly and burdensome for U.S. based companies

A majority of voters blame “big government” instead of “big Wall Street banks” for having a negative impact on their personal finances.

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research today examining a recent proposal by House Speaker Paul Ryan to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit…

New research from the American Action Forum (@AAF) details how the Dodd-Frank Act is impacting consumers. The AAF research finds that the Dodd-Frank Act…

Recent proposals to provide for 12 weeks of paid family leave would be extremely expensive and still fall short of covering the costs, new research from…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research today examining all regulations issued last year by the Obama Administration. The AAF research finds…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the impact of “free college” proposals for students. The research finds that only…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released new research examining cities that raised their minimum wages in 2015 and the impact on restaurant employment.…

New research by the American Action Forum (@AAF) examines premium information under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and finds that both the benchmark Silver…

AAF Examines Recent Dodd-Frank Rulemaking

November 10, 2015

With financial regulators issuing the most expensive regulation to date under the Dodd-Frank law, the American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a new…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) and the Empire Center today released new research examining the impact of increasing New York’s state wide minimum wage…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new analysis of the 2016 Medicare Part B premium increases. The analysis finds that the Hold Harmless provision…

The majority of taxpayer dollars spent on the administration’s free community college would go toward students not obtaining degrees, new research from…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) examined recent data from the Internal Revenue Service showing 40 percent of subsidized households under the Affordable…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) examined recent data from the Internal Revenue Service showing 40 percent of subsidized households under the Affordable…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released new research examining the costs and benefits of implementing electronic medical record systems, and the…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released new research examining the national security implications of the Iran nuclear deal. The AAF research examines…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released new research analyzing the Medicare Advantage (MA) Stars program. The research examines whether the Stars…

AAF Examines Impact Of Dodd-Frank

July 15, 2015

In advance of Dodd-Frank’s 5th anniversary, the American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of the law’s impact on employment, the housing…

American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin made the following statement today regarding the Supreme Court’s decision in King v. Burwell. "The…

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, issued the following statement regarding the CBO’s report on the repeal of the Affordable…

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, issued the following statement regarding the CBO’s report on the repeal of the Affordable…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ proposed regulatory changes to Medicaid…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) and the American Action Network today released the results of a national survey examining public attitudes on the Department…

The American Action Forum today released new research examining the economic impact of the Dodd-Frank Act. The research, conducted by AAF’s President…

“[AAF] supports the Ex-Im Bank because that’s where the numbers – and the facts – led it.”

Highlights From AAF’s 5th Year Anniversary Gala

April 22, 2015

The American Action Forum celebrated five years last night with a gala at the Newseum, emceed by Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo, and featuring Speaker…

AAF Releases Video: The Forum at Five

April 21, 2015

Ahead of the American Action Forum’s 5th anniversary celebration this evening, AAF is releasing “The Forum at Five.” The five minute video looks…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of the Department of Labor’s (DOL) regulation regarding financial advisers. The AAF analysis…

On tax day, the American Action Forum (@AAF) analyzed the burden of the nation’s broken tax code for individuals. The AAF research finds the individual…

AAF Examines Ex-Im’s Small Business Support

April 15, 2015

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released new research examining the support provided to small businesses by the Export Import Bank (Ex-Im). As the…

Government programs that provide income support compete with low wage employers for workers, a new report from the American Action Forum (@AAF) found.…

To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, the American Action Forum (@AAF) launched a questionnaire showing how the law has impacted…

The American Action Forum today released new research into a bipartisan, bicameral proposal to repeal the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR). The AAF research…

Governor Bobby Jindal will deliver remarks today at the American Action Forum’s Fred Malek Lecture Series. The event will begin at 3:30 p.m. Can’t…

Ahead of the president delivering the State of the Union tonight, the American Action Forum (@AAF) released an overview examining the state of affairs…

AAF Solutions, a product of the American Action Forum (@AAF), today released additional recommendations that the Financial Stability Oversight Council…

As the 114th Congress takes on the challenge of addressing America’s most pressing policy challenges, the American Action Forum today released an eBook…

American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin will testify this morning before the House Ways and Means Committee on policies that can foster economic…

The Administration’s effort to expand overtime pay requirements for salaried workers would impact very few people and minimally affect those in poverty…

The facts regarding inversions are the subject of a new #Eakinomics video released today by the American Action Forum (@AAF). AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a set of principles for better labor market policy. The research, authored by AAF’s President Douglas…

AAF Solutions, an initiative by the American Action Forum (@AAF), today released a list of suggestions that a council of financial regulators should implement…

In a new #Eakinomics video, AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin discusses the state of the labor market with 5 key facts demonstrating the incomplete recovery.…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a new video on the impact to consumers if insurance companies are subject to new, bank-centric regulations.…

AAF Solutions, an initiative of the American Action Forum (@AAF), today proposed three steps to streamline financial regulations. Over the years, financial…

American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin made the following statement:

A new study from the American Action Forum (@AAF) examines the impact of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) regulations on small businesses’ employee…

American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin made the following statement:

Proposals that fail to address the underlying incentives driving inversions put 42,000 U.S. jobs at risk of going overseas, according to new research from…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of factors surrounding funding differences among financial institutions on the heels of a report…

American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin will testify this afternoon before the Senate Banking Committee regarding the Government Accountability…

To mark the fourth anniversary of the Dodd-Frank Act, the American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the law and its impact on the regulatory…

As part of the #Eakinomics video series, the American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a new video that explains why U.S. companies decide to move their…

AAF Solutions, a new initiative by the American Action Forum (@AAF), today unveiled a new “long page” microsite delivering a digestible, visually engaging…

Today, the American Action Forum launched AAF Solutions, a new initiative that will offer positive, constructive, digestible, and actionable policy solutions…

The Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im), the official export credit agency of the United States, acts in a distorted world of export finance to empower American…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released new research that examines the cost to savers and investors if regulators designate certain investment…

Policymakers should continue to shift risk and cost to insurers if the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is extended, a new report from the American…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research on the impact of the Medicare Advantage (MA) cuts seniors will face in 2015 due to the Affordable…

On tax day, the American Action Forum (@AAF) analyzed the burden of the nation’s broken tax code for individuals. The AAF research finds the individual…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining “too big to fail” (TBTF) and finding that TBTF expectations are a problem at the nexus…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an overview of the president’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget, as well as analysis of key spending priorities.  

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining the need to modernize and simplify the U.S. tax code, the economic impact of such improvements…

In a new #Eakinomics video, American Action Forum (@AAF) President Douglas Holtz-Eakin (@DJHEAKIN) clears up the confusion on the Affordable Care Act &…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a study which found that the White House is still reviewing several new Affordable Care Act (ACA) regulations…

Washington – The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released new research examining the recent proposed regulations for Medicare Part D issued by the…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a new primer examining the earned income tax credit (EITC) finding it benefits 58.1 % of the working poor;…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) examined the progress in the federal effort to reduce regulations finding the regulatory burden has actually increased…

The impact of large regulations, those costing $1 billion or more, is detrimental to industry employment and worker’s salaries, new research from the…

Last year, federal regulators added $112 billion in new regulatory costs and 157 million paperwork hours, according to new research released today by the…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) examined and identified steps the Federal government can take to strengthen the United States’ position as the leading…

The ACA Dictionary is a comprehensive resource of definitions and background on health care terms, acronyms, and all things Affordable Care Act.

The American Action Forum (@AAF) examined and identified steps the Federal government can take to strengthen the United States’ position as the leading…

AAF Analysis of Bipartisan Budget Agreement

December 13, 2013

The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released an analysis of the Bipartisan Budget Act. The AAF’s analysis, written by Fiscal Policy Director Gordon…

AAF Releases Analysis Of The Volcker Rule

December 10, 2013

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the final Volcker rule issued today by financial regulators. The exemptions included in the Volcker…

AAF Releases Primer On Trade Promotion Authority

December 9, 2013

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released a primer detailing the foundation of trade promotion authority (TPA) and current developments. Currently, there…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research that examines the minimum wage, its impact on the labor market, and its effectiveness as an anti-poverty…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released research examining the cumulative impact of regulations on employment. AAF found that when agencies impose three…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research focusing on two new proposed Federal regulations that represent the largest expansion of red tape…

In a new #Eakinomics three part video series from the American Action Forum (@AAF), Douglas Holtz-Eakin walks viewers through the nation’s spending and…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released new research examining an increase in the minimum wage finding it will have a detrimental effect on new jobs…

New Poll: Time To Negotiate On Debt Ceiling

September 26, 2013

New Survey Shows Majority of Americans Believe Chief Executive Not Listening to the American People, Lacks Negotiation Skills to Govern the Country

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new report today finding that a government shutdown would impact military troops while virtually all the spending…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) released an analysis of the Keystone pipeline delay finding that Americans will send $7.7 billion more to oil suppliers…

Greenhouse gas regulations for power plants will impact 53 small businesses across 26 states, a new analysis by the American Action Forum (@AAF) has found.…

Ahead of the five year anniversary of the financial crisis the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a report detailing the Federal Reserve’s response…

Washington – The American Action Forum (@AAF) today released a paper finding that the Medicare Part D program has been successful in its first ten years…

Policies that improve the foreclosure process, as well as promote growth in jobs and income, are needed to improve the housing and economic recovery in…

Americans spend more than 10.3 billion hours on paperwork required to comply with approximately 9,100 forms from the government. The American Action Forum…

The U.S. corporate tax code locks trillions of dollars out of the United States. Bringing these funds back as part of a major tax overhaul would benefit…

WASHINGTON -- American Action Forum (@AAF) Director for Regulatory Policy Sam Batkins testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight…

The American Action Forum (@AAF) continues to grow, hiring Marisol Garibay (@Garibaym3) as Deputy Communications Director.

Today the American Action Forum (@AAF) released a new primer on the Unemployment Insurance system (UI).  The primer offers an explanation and definition…

American Action Forum (@AAF) President Douglas Holtz-Eakin will today testify in front of the House Committee on Education and Workforce - Subcommittee…

WASHINGTON -- American Action Forum (@AAF) President Douglas Holtz-Eakin will today testify in front of the House Financial Services Committee on the topic…

Proposal Would Save Students Up to $1,413 Over the Life of Their Loan; Save Taxpayers $4 Billion Over Next Decade 

WASHINGTON, DC - More than 110 influential conservative economists released an open letter to Congressional leadership today supporting immigration reform…

WASHINGTON – The American Action Forum (AAF) today released a study outlining the channels for immigration reform to translate in to better economic…

WASHINGTON – The American Action Forum (@AAF) and Progressive Policy Institute (@PPI) today released a joint paper outlining common-sense guidelines…

All -You've surely heard a lot about the potential impacts of going over the fiscal cliff. But what will it do to the financial markets?

NOTE:If investors start to doubt that a deal will be reached, the consequences could prove severe and difficult to reverse. Such doubts could spark broad…

WASHINGTON - A new analysis from the American Action Forum finds that going over the fiscal cliff would not only have an effect on unemployment, but also…

Report:Health Care Law Imposes $27 Billion in Costs on Private Sector, StatesFree EnterpriseSean Hackbarth

Obamacare: $27.6 Billion in New RegulationsWashington Free BeaconFree Beacon Staff

Conservative think tank says health law compliance has cost $27 billionThe HillSam BakerOctober 10, 2012  New regulations under President…

Overnight Money: Donovan talks housing recovery.The Hill:By: Vikki Needham & Bernie BeckerHyperlinkLet's get together and talk about the housing market: Housing…

Cost of Regulations Under Obama: $488 BillionWeekly StandardDaniel HalperSeptember 19, 2012

PHOENIX – The American Action Forum released today a study examining the current state of the housing market in Arizona and an analysis of the policies…

What policies would President Obama implement in a second term?  On regulatory policy, it’s clear, major rules are already at the White House waiting…

WASHINGTON – A new paper by Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Forum expert Andrew Winkler shows that the recovery of the housing market will likely…

WASHINGTON - Supreme Court insiders now believe there is a better than 50-50 chance that the Supreme Court will strike the individual mandate from the…

Finds Tax Disproportionately Affects Small Business; Could Lead to Significant Job Loss

THE U.S. HOUSING RECOVERY: LESSONS FROM NEVADAAmerican Action Forum Hosts Panel Discussion in Las Vegas FeaturingFormer Bush and Obama Administration OfficialsWASHINGTON…

Brief Highlights Flawed Justification For Individual Mandate

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin issued the following statement in response to The Preside

WASHINGTON – The American Action Forum today released its first ever Year in Review, an analysis of policies proposed and enacted in 2011 and a look…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s 2012 State of the…

WASHINGTON – The American Action Forum today filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court for the case on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection…

WASHINGTON - American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin issued the following statement in response to news the unemployment rate for the month…

WASHINGTON – The American Action Forum today filed an amicus brief signed by 102 economists, including two Nobel laureates and former senior government…

The American Action Forum and the New Hampshire Institute of Politics recently hosted Arthur Laffer, a former economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin issued the following statement after the House of Representatives rejected a plan to…

WASHINGTON- The American Action Forum today released a report by Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Annie Hsaio, the Forum’s Director of Education…

WASHINGTON- American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin issued the following statement in response to reports that negotiations between super…

WASHINGTON- The American Action Forum will host a panel discussion entitled "Income Growth and Inequality: What is the Reality?" on Monday, November 7…

Washington - Join Mississippi Governor and Republican Governors Association Policy Chairman, Haley Barbour and American Action Forum President Douglas…

Washington - The American Action Forum will host a discussion on the future of U.S. trade policy on Thursday October 20, from 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. at…

WASHINGTON - The American Action Forum will host a discussion on U.S. regulatory burden on Tuesday October 25, from 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. in the Capitol…

The American Action Forum and the American Enterprise Institute Host a

WASHINGTON- The American Action Forum and the American Enterprise Institute will host a discussion about accountability as it relates to the reauthorization…

WASHINGTON- The American Action Forum today announced it will host an event titled “Are Investment Incentives Necessary in Corporate Tax Reform” on…

WASHINGTON- American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today had the following response to President Obama's deficit speech: Click the image…

WASHINGTON- The American Action Forum, Employment Policies Institute, and e21: Economic Policies for the 21st Century will host a discussion on the health…

WASHINGTON- The American Action Forum, Employment Policies Institute, and e21: Economic Policies for the 21st Century will host a discussion on the health…

WASHINGTON- In advance of President Obama's jobs address and the kick-off of football season, watch American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin's…

WASHINGTON– In advance of President Obama’s jobs address and the kick-off of football season, watch American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin’s…

WASHINGTON- The American Action Forum today announced it will host a jobs summit titled "Changing Course: A Discussion on How to Turn the Economy Around"…

WASHINGTON - American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today unveiled his "Principles for Effective Jobs Plans." In anticipation of President…

Washington - The American Action Forum today announced an event titled "What Would Pro-Growth Tax Reform Look Like?" The event will center on comprehensive…

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Tomorrow the American Action Forum and U.S. Senators John Barrasso (R-WY), Susan Collins (R-ME), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Olympia…

Washington, DC - American Action Forum President Doug Holtz-Eakin today called on Senate leadership to prevent fee diversion in the United States Patent…

Washington, DC – American Action Forum President Doug Holtz-Eakin today issued the following statement in response to the June unemployment report:

Washington, DC - American Action Forum President Doug Holtz-Eakin today issued the following statement in response to the June unemployment report: 

What: There is a growing consensus in Washington that now is the time for comprehensive corporate tax reform. Such reform, if enacted, could easily be…

Ever since the 2010 elections there has been much discussion about big, centralized government. Conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party activists alike…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today issued the following statement after releasing a white paper titled “Moving…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today issued the following statement after sending a letter to President Barack Obama…

WASHINGTON – The American Action Forum today announced the agenda for an event on Medicaid reform titled “Achieving Meaningful Medicaid Reform”…

WASHINGTON - American Action Network President Brian Walsh and American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today issued the following statement…

WASHINGTON – American Action Network President Brian Walsh and American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today issued the following statement…

Principles for Medicaid Reform

June 6, 2011

In a new paper out today, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Michael Ramlet, and Carey Lafferty outline the tenets of sound Medicaid reform: Medicaid desperately needs…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today issued the following statement after outlining core principles for Medicaid…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin today issued the followingstatement after signing a statement with more than 150 economists…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin issued the following statement after filing an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals…

WASHINGTON – American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin issued the following statement after the Forum released “Rebuilding Our Nation’s…