Press Release

Biden Administration’s Paperwork Burden Report Shows Need for Structural Reform

The Biden Administration has released its latest Burden Reduction Report, which is intended to highlight its efforts at reducing federal regulatory red tape. In a new insight, Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Goldbeck walks through the report and considers what regulatory paperwork reform could look like.

Key points:

  • This report presents the series of initiatives the Biden Administration has conducted over the past year aimed at streamlining the administrative burdens involved in the provision of certain public benefit programs.
  • Specifically, the report details 56 actions agencies have undertaken, with 21 of these items containing quantifiable estimates that amount to 34.5 million hours in claimed burden reductions.
  • Since the release of the original 2023 report, however, the government-wide paperwork burden has grown to the highest total on record at 12.1 billion hours, demonstrating that the administration’s burden-reduction efforts represent little more than a rounding error and that more structural reforms are necessary to bring the nation’s red tape load under control.

Read the analysis
