Press Release

Comparing Trump and Biden Administration Policy: Housing

As it becomes increasingly clear that the 2024 federal election will see a rematch between former President Donald Trump and the incumbent President Joe Biden, voters are afforded an unusual opportunity to judge both candidates not simply on campaign promises but on the regulatory record of their presidencies. In a new insight, Director of Financial Services Policy Thomas Kingsley reviews both candidates’ records on housing and considers what they reveal about potential policies for the next presidency.

Kingsley concludes:

The next president will need to navigate a complex web of ongoing and new policy concerns, from the appropriate role of the GSEs to the nation’s persistent lack of housing inventory. These issues would be challenging enough even without the background of persistent high inflation, but – when it comes to housing policy – the American public can assess both candidates’ ability to tackle future challenges based on their track records.

Read the analysis

Read related piece on financial services
