Press Release

Estimating the Economic Value of Trump Administration Rules Blocked by Legal Action

It has been widely reported that much of the Trump Administration’s regulatory agenda has met resistance in the courts. Nevertheless, only a few deregulatory actions with significant economic savings have been halted, find AAF’s Director of Regulatory Policy Dan Bosch and Bernard Zamaninia in a new analysis. In fact, the administration’s rules with regulatory costs have been met with defeat at a higher rate than those with measurable deregulatory savings, they note.

Their central points:

  • To date, successful challenges to Trump Administration rules have amounted to blocking an estimated $1.8 billion in regulatory savings, or less than 2 percent of the total economic savings of all rules finalized by this administration;
  • Only two of the Trump Administration’s top 10 rules with the most estimated savings have been blocked through legal action; and
  • In terms of the number of actions blocked, 75 percent were deregulatory in nature, although among actions that included agency-estimated economic impacts, regulatory actions were blocked at a higher rate than deregulatory actions.

Read the analysis.
