Press Release
August 5, 2024
Health and Economy Baseline Estimates
For the 2024 plan year, the insurance market remains challenged by costs, uninsured individuals, and access to care. The Center for Health and Economy (H&E) is dedicated to assessing the impact of proposed reforms that attempt to address these issues. The following report details the most recent updates to the H&E baseline estimates of insurance coverage, federal budgetary impact, plan choice, and the premium landscape of health insurance for Americans under the age of 65.
Key findings of the baseline:
- H&E estimates there are 251 million non-elderly U.S. residents with health insurance in 2024 – 91 percent of the total non-elderly population.
- The individual market includes an estimated 16 million members in 2024, with 13 million lives covered through subsidized insurance offered in the Health Insurance Marketplace; the total size of the individual market is estimated to decline throughout the budget window, sinking to 7 million in 2034.
- The family glitch fix (from 2023) is now accounted for in the estimates and has increased the number of individual-market insured by approximately 1 million.
- The health insurance coverage provisions under current law for the non-elderly are estimated to increase federal outlays by $6.7 trillion from 2024–2034.