
Here is a selection of AAF resources on federal government shutdowns.



The Antideficiency Act: A Primer

Arising across highly varied areas of public policy, the Antideficiency Act acts as a check on the executive branch in the stewardship of the taxpayer dollars, and serves to buttress the legislative branch’s exercise of the power of the purse.


Government Shutdowns: What They Are and What They Are Not

Major functions of the federal government are “funded” until October 1st, the beginning of the next fiscal year (FY 2014). If Congress and the Executive branch do not agree to new annual spending then some, but not all, of those functions will cease until new funding laws are enacted. This interruption is colloquially referred to as a government “shutdown.” In understanding what a shutdown is, it’s important to recognize that the shutdown itself is a symptom of an underlying issue: the absence of appropriations laws.


Evaluating the Costs of a Government Shutdown

As elected officials return to work in Washington, thousands of employees from the eight federal departments and other agencies for which appropriations have not been enacted will be staying home.


Outlawing Shutdowns

Congress is debating several measures that would automatically fund the government—and thus prevent government shutdowns – if it fails to reach agreement on funding levels.
