
Percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries at Risk of Losing Part D Plan

The administration’s proposed Medicare Part D rule, released in January 2014 will have a far-reaching and harmful impact on beneficiaries enrolled in the popular prescription drug program. The most damaging to plan enrollees is CMS effectively doing away with preferred networks in Part D, which negotiate prices that are key to keeping monthly premiums and drug prices low. This decision could force as many as 14 million enrollees out of their current plans, and into a new, higher cost plans.

The map and table below display, respectively, the percent and total number of Medicare beneficiaries in each state that are at risk of losing their drug coverage in 2015, if the rule is allowed to go into effect.

Percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries at Risk of Losing Part D Plan


State Medicare Beneficiaries in Preferred Network Plans
Alabama 249,530
Alaska 21,006
Arizona 233,826
Arkansas 174,711
California 1,200,074
Colorado 181,349
Connecticut 170,142
Delaware 68,294
District of Columbia 27,004
Florida 1,007,077
Georgia 425,401
Hawaii 17,431
Idaho 61,975
Illinois 76,1137
Indiana 401,452
Iowa 177,282
Kansas 211,465
Kentucky 297,432
Louisiana 167,474
Maine 132,415
Maryland 285,479
Massachusetts 342,840
Michigan 537,086
Minnesota 172,809
Mississippi 209,577
Missouri 330,673
Montana 56,988
Nebraska 112,141
Nevada 102,284
New Hampshire 102,747
New Jersey 446,486
New Mexico 71,173
New York 659,179
North Carolina 572,525
North Dakota 41,265
Ohio 490,416
Oklahoma 198,138
Oregon 124,151
Pennsylvania 515,000
Rhode Island 50,690
South Carolina 270,856
South Dakota 56,795
Tennessee 328,983
Texas 946,557
Utah 58,482
Vermont 50,528
Virginia 412,826
Washington 240,145
West Virginia 115,704
Wisconsin 231,236
Wyoming 36,342

Data Sources 

United States of America. Health and Human Services. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. PDP Enrollment by State County Contract. N.p.: n.p., 2014. Web. < 01.html?DLPage=1&DLSort=1&DLSortDir=descending>. 

“Total Number of Medicare Beneficiaries.” State Health Facts. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2012. Web. <>.

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