Press Release

ICYMI: U.S. Trade Enforcement Mechanisms

Today the American Action Forum released new research on U.S. trade enforcement mechanisms authored by AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Director of Immigration and Trade Policy Jackie Varas. The research finds that proper enforcement mechanisms are critical to maintaining trust in international commerce and spurring economic growth.

Recent case studies of specific trade enforcement efforts include the Trump Administration requiring Qatar to disclose financial information about its state-owned airlines under its Open Skies agreement, and recently imposed import restrictions on washing machines using safeguard actions.

See excerpt below:

“International commerce and cooperation have immense benefits for the United States. Entering into international agreements with other nations is one of the best ways we can build relationships with our allies. However, effective enforcement of these agreements is a key component of their success. To fully benefit from the economic growth that follows open markets or international deregulation, nations must have confidence in the agreements themselves.”

Click here to read the full piece.
