Press Release

The Department of Labor’s 2019 Proposed Overtime Pay Rule

The benefits and the costs of the Department of Labor’s proposed overtime pay rule are limited. In new research, AAF’s Director of Labor Market Policy Ben Gitis and Senior Regulatory Policy Analyst Dan Goldbeck examine who would benefit from the proposed regulation and its regulatory costs if implemented.

They show:

  • Only 232,000 of the 1.3 million newly covered workers would regularly benefit from the rule;
  • Across the low- and middle-wage workers impacted, the net average weekly pay increase would be only $4.54, while for most of those who regularly work overtime, the increase would be just $17.98;
  • The majority of wage benefits would go to those who earn over $100,000 per year; and
  • The overall regulatory costs are roughly one-third of those imposed by the Obama-era regulation.

Read the research. 
